
Is it allowed to bring a bicycle on the MRT in Singapore?

If you’re an avid cyclist, you may wonder whether you can bring your bicycle on the MRT. The answer is yes, you can! However, there are some rules and regulations that you need to follow to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience for both yourself and other passengers.

Firstly, it’s important to note that you can only bring your bicycle on the MRT during certain times of the day. Weekdays are restricted to non-peak hours, which means you can bring your bicycle on the MRT from the start of service until 6:30 AM, and from 9:00 AM until the end of service. On weekends and public holidays, you have the flexibility to bring your bicycle on the MRT at any time.

When bringing your bicycle on the MRT, there are a few rules that you need to adhere to. Firstly, your bicycle must be folded and kept in a carrying bag that does not exceed the dimensions specified by the MRT operator. This is to ensure that your bicycle does not cause inconvenience or take up excessive space in the train. Secondly, you should avoid bringing your bicycle on escalators and use the lifts or ramps instead for safety reasons.

While bringing your bicycle on the MRT is allowed, it’s important to be considerate of other passengers. Remember to be mindful of your surroundings and avoid blocking the doors or aisles with your bicycle. If the train is crowded, it may be better to wait for the next train to avoid overcrowding and ensure a comfortable journey for everyone. By following these rules and regulations, you can enjoy the convenience of bringing your bicycle on the MRT without causing any inconvenience to others.

Overview of Bicycle Transportation on MRT

If you are a bicycle enthusiast or simply prefer cycling as a mode of transportation, you might be wondering if you can bring your bicycle on the MRT in Singapore. Fortunately, the answer is yes! Singapore’s Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system allows passengers to bring their bicycles on board.

Bringing your bicycle on the MRT provides added convenience and flexibility for commuters who wish to combine both cycling and train travel to reach their destinations. Whether you are traveling to work, exploring the city, or participating in cycling events, the MRT system is bicycle-friendly and accommodating.

Rules and Regulations

While you can bring your bicycle on the MRT, it is important to adhere to the rules and regulations set by the MRT authorities. These rules ensure the safety and comfort of all passengers and maintain the smooth operation of the train system.

Firstly, bicycles are only permitted on the MRT during specific hours to avoid overcrowding during peak periods. You can bring your bicycle on the MRT during non-peak hours, which are usually from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and after 7:00 p.m. on weekdays. On weekends and public holidays, bicycles can be brought on the MRT all day.

Secondly, bicycles must be folded or disassembled to fit within the designated areas on the train. This ensures that the bicycle does not obstruct the passageways and does not inconvenience other passengers. It is important to respect the personal space of others and keep the train cabins clean and accessible.

Lastly, cyclists are expected to carry their bicycles up and down escalators or staircases when entering or exiting the MRT stations. This is to prevent any accidents or damage to the escalators. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience when bringing your bicycle on the MRT.

Rules for Bringing Bicycles on MRT

If you are a cyclist and you want to bring your bicycle on the MRT, there are certain rules and regulations that you need to be aware of. These rules help ensure the safety and convenience of both bicyclists and other commuters.

1. Bring Foldable Bicycles Only

Currently, only foldable bicycles are allowed on the MRT. This means that your bicycle should be able to be folded and stored in a bag or carried with you at all times. Non-foldable bicycles are not permitted on the MRT.

2. MRT Timing Restrictions

You can bring your foldable bicycle on the MRT between the following timings:

  • Weekdays: From the start of service to 6:30 AM, and from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and from 7:00 PM to the end of service
  • Weekends and Public Holidays: From the start of service to 6:30 AM, and from 9:00 AM to the end of service

Please note that during peak hours from 6:30 AM to 9:00 AM and from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM on weekdays, bringing bicycles on the MRT is not allowed.

3. Use Designated Entry and Exit Gates

When bringing your bicycle on the MRT, it is important to use the designated entry and exit gates. These gates are specially equipped with wider fare gates to accommodate bicycles. Look for signs indicating the bicycle-friendly gates and use them for convenient access.

By following these rules, you can bring your foldable bicycle on the MRT without any hassle. Remember to be considerate of other commuters and ensure that your bicycle is properly folded and secured during your journey.

Types of Bicycles Allowed on MRT

When it comes to bringing your bicycle onboard the MRT, there are certain rules and regulations that you need to follow. The type of bicycle you can bring on the MRT is one of the most important factors to consider.

i. Foldable Bicycles

Foldable bicycles are allowed on the MRT as long as they are folded and securely stowed in designated areas. This ensures that they do not cause any inconvenience or obstruction to other commuters.

ii. Non-Foldable Bicycles

Non-foldable bicycles are also permitted on the MRT during specific time slots. You can bring your non-foldable bicycle on the MRT during off-peak hours, which are from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and after 8:00 p.m. on weekdays. On weekends and public holidays, non-foldable bicycles are allowed all day, except during special events or situations as determined by the transit authorities.

It’s important to note that the size of the bicycle is also a factor. The maximum dimensions allowed for non-foldable bicycles are 120cm in length and 70cm in width. Make sure that your bicycle meets these requirements before bringing it on the MRT.

By understanding the types of bicycles allowed on the MRT, you can ensure that you follow the rules and regulations and have a smooth commuting experience without causing any inconvenience to fellow passengers.

Size and Weight Limitations

When it comes to bringing a bicycle on the MRT, there are certain size and weight limitations that you need to be aware of. These limitations are in place to ensure the safety and convenience of all passengers.

The maximum size of a bicycle that can be brought on the MRT is 114cm by 64cm by 36cm. This includes the handlebars, pedals, and any other protruding parts. If your bicycle exceeds these dimensions, it will not be allowed on the MRT.

In addition to the size limitations, there is also a weight limit. Bicycles that are brought on the MRT must not exceed 7 kilograms in weight. This is to ensure that the bicycle can be easily lifted and maneuvered by the passenger.

It’s important to note that folding bicycles are exempt from these size and weight limitations. Folding bicycles are allowed on the MRT as long as they are folded and kept in a carrying bag that does not exceed the maximum size restrictions.

By adhering to these size and weight limitations, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey on the MRT with your bicycle. Remember to be considerate of other passengers and follow the guidelines set forth by the MRT authorities.

Restrictions on Bicycle Accessories

When it comes to bringing your bicycle on the MRT, there are certain restrictions on the accessories you can bring along. While you are allowed to bring your bike on the MRT, you need to be aware of the regulations regarding bicycle accessories.

The MRT regulations state that certain accessories are not permitted to be brought on board for safety reasons. These include items such as sharp or protruding objects, as they can pose a danger to other passengers or cause damage to the train. This means that you cannot bring bicycle accessories such as knives, spikes, or any other sharp or dangerous objects.

Additionally, it is important to note that bulky or oversized accessories are also not allowed on the MRT. This is to ensure that the bike and its accessories do not cause inconvenience or obstruction to other passengers. Accessories such as large panniers or baskets that may obstruct the aisles or take up excessive space are not allowed. It is recommended to opt for smaller, more compact accessories that can easily be stored or secured to the bike.

As a responsible cyclist, it is important to comply with these restrictions and ensure that you do not bring any prohibited accessories on the MRT. This will help ensure the safety and comfort of all passengers during their journey.

In summary, the MRT allows you to bring your bicycle on board, but restrictions are in place for certain accessories. Do not bring sharp or dangerous objects, and avoid bulky or oversized accessories that may cause inconvenience or obstruction to other passengers.

Peak Hours and Bicycle Transportation

In order to ensure a smooth and comfortable journey for all passengers, certain rules and regulations regarding bringing a bicycle on the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system are in place. These rules are particularly important during peak hours when the trains are crowded and passenger flow is high.

During peak hours, which are typically between 7:00 am and 9:30 am, as well as between 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm on weekdays, bringing a bicycle on the MRT is generally not permitted. This is to avoid congestion and to prioritize the convenience and safety of other commuters.

However, outside of peak hours, passengers are allowed to bring their bicycles on the MRT, subject to certain conditions. Firstly, bicycles must be folded up and carried in a designated bag or case. They should not cause any inconvenience or obstruction to other passengers. Secondly, bicycles are only allowed on designated train cars, which are clearly marked with signage.

If you wish to bring your bicycle on the MRT during off-peak hours, it is advisable to plan your journey accordingly and take note of the specific rules and regulations. By being mindful of the peak hours and following the guidelines set by the MRT authorities, you can ensure a hassle-free and pleasant commute for yourself and your fellow passengers.

Peak Hours Weekdays
Morning 7:00 am – 9:30 am
Evening 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Additional Requirements for Electric Bicycles

If you are planning to bring an electric bicycle on the MRT, there are additional requirements that you need to be aware of. These regulations ensure the safety and convenience of all passengers on board.

1. Registration

First and foremost, your electric bicycle must be registered with the Land Transport Authority (LTA). This is to ensure that your bicycle meets the necessary safety standards and is approved for public transportation.

2. Battery Capacity

The battery capacity of your electric bicycle must be within the specified limit set by the LTA. This is to prevent any potential hazards or accidents that may arise from the use of high-capacity batteries.

It is important to note that non-compliance with these additional requirements may result in fines or even a ban on bringing your electric bicycle on the MRT. So, be sure to adhere to these regulations to avoid any inconvenience or penalties.

Registration and Identification of Bicycles

If you plan to bring your bicycle on the MRT, you can register and identify your bicycle to ensure its safety and prevent theft.

  • Registration is a simple process that can be done at any MRT station. You will need to fill out a form with your personal details and bicycle information.
  • Once registered, a unique identification sticker will be provided to you. This sticker should be prominently displayed on your bicycle frame.
  • This identification sticker helps the MRT staff and security personnel quickly identify registered bicycles and their owners.
  • Additionally, if your bicycle is lost or stolen, having it registered and identified will greatly increase the chances of it being recovered.

Remember, registration and identification of bicycles are important steps in ensuring a safe and secure MRT experience for everyone. So don’t forget to register your bicycle before you bring it on the MRT!

Security Measures for Bicycles

Bringing your bicycle on the MRT can provide a convenient and efficient way of commuting. However, there are certain security measures that you need to follow to ensure the safety of your bicycle and fellow passengers.

Secure Your Bicycle

Before boarding the MRT, make sure your bicycle is securely locked. This will prevent theft and ensure that your bicycle remains in place during the journey. Use a high-quality lock and lock your bicycle to designated areas or racks provided by the MRT. Avoid obstructing passageways or emergency exits with your bicycle.

Keep an Eye on Your Bicycle

While on the MRT, it is important to keep an eye on your bicycle at all times. If possible, position yourself in a way that allows you to keep a visual contact with your bicycle. If you notice any suspicious activity or individuals near your bicycle, inform the MRT staff or security personnel immediately.

Do’s Don’ts
Securely lock your bicycle Don’t leave your bicycle unattended
Position yourself to keep an eye on your bicycle Don’t obstruct passageways or emergency exits
Inform MRT staff or security personnel of any suspicious activity Don’t engage in activities that may cause harm or inconvenience to fellow passengers

By following these security measures, you can ensure the safety of your bicycle and have a hassle-free commute on the MRT.

Policies on Foldable Bicycles

Foldable bicycles are allowed on the MRT, as long as they are folded and carried in a bag or case. Passengers can bring these compact bicycles onto the train without any additional charges or restrictions. However, it is important to ensure that the foldable bicycle is properly folded and does not obstruct the pathway or inconvenience other passengers.

Foldable Bicycle Policy
1. Foldable bicycles should be fully folded and kept inside a bag or case.
2. Passengers should not ride the foldable bicycle inside the MRT station or on the train.
3. Foldable bicycles should not be unfolded or assembled until passengers have exited the MRT station.
4. Passengers are responsible for ensuring their foldable bicycle does not obstruct pathways or inconvenience other passengers.

These policies aim to ensure the safety and comfort of all MRT passengers. By following these rules, passengers can enjoy the convenience of bringing their foldable bicycles on the MRT while respecting the needs of others.

Guidelines for Carrying Bicycles on Escalators

When it comes to using the MRT, bringing a bicycle can offer a convenient and efficient mode of transportation. However, it is important to follow the rules and regulations to ensure the safety and comfort of all passengers.

If you need to carry a bicycle on the MRT, you can use the escalators in certain situations. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  1. Prioritize the safety of yourself and others. Always exercise caution when carrying a bicycle on escalators.
  2. Position yourself at the edge of the step, with the bicycle in front of you.
  3. Hold the bicycle firmly with both hands, making sure it is stable before proceeding.
  4. Make sure the bicycle does not obstruct the flow of other passengers or cause any inconvenience.
  5. Take one step at a time, ensuring that the bicycle remains balanced and does not cause any disturbances.
  6. Be aware of your surroundings and give way to other passengers if necessary.

Remember that not all stations have escalators, so it is important to plan your journey accordingly. If you encounter any issues or difficulties, do not hesitate to seek assistance from MRT staff or security personnel.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience when carrying a bicycle on escalators in the MRT.

Proper Etiquette When Bringing Bicycles on MRT

When bringing your bicycle on the MRT, it is important to follow the proper etiquette to ensure a smooth and pleasant journey for yourself and other passengers. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

1. Be aware of the designated times: Bicycles are allowed on the MRT during certain hours, typically during non-peak periods. Make sure to check the schedule and plan your trip accordingly.

2. Foldable bicycles are preferred: If you can, opt for a foldable bicycle. These bikes are easier to carry and take up less space on the train. Non-foldable bicycles may be allowed, but they should be smaller and lighter to minimize inconvenience to other passengers.

3. Use designated entrances and exits: When bringing your bicycle on the MRT, make sure to use the designated entrances and exits. This helps to maintain a smooth flow of passenger traffic and prevents any disruption to other commuters.

4. Be considerate of others: Remember that you are not the only passenger on the MRT. Be considerate of others by keeping your bicycle out of the way of other passengers, especially during crowded periods. Try to find a spot where it is less likely to cause inconvenience or obstruction.

5. Hold on to your bicycle: While on the MRT, make sure to hold on to your bicycle at all times. This prevents it from moving or falling over and causing harm to yourself or other passengers. It also ensures that your bicycle remains secure and does not block any pathways or aisles.

6. Clean up after yourself: If your bicycle is dirty or wet, take the necessary steps to prevent any mess or damage to the train. Bring a towel or protective cover to place under your bicycle to catch any dirt or water. This helps to maintain cleanliness and avoids any inconvenience for other passengers.

By following these proper etiquette guidelines, you can bring your bicycle on the MRT without causing inconvenience to yourself or others. Remember to be mindful of the rules and regulations set by the MRT authorities, and enjoy your journey with your bicycle!

Consequences for Violating Bicycle Transportation Rules

Bringing a bicycle onto the MRT is a convenient option for many commuters. However, there are rules and regulations that must be followed to ensure a safe and smooth journey for all passengers. Violating these rules can result in various consequences.

If a passenger is found bringing their bicycle onto the MRT without authorization, they can face penalties and fines. The exact amount of the fine depends on the severity of the violation and can range from a warning to a significant monetary penalty.

In addition to fines, repeat offenders may also face more serious consequences, such as a temporary ban on bringing bicycles onto the MRT. This can inconvenience those who rely on their bicycles for daily transportation and serves as a deterrent to prevent further violations.

Furthermore, unauthorized bicycles found on the MRT can be confiscated by the authorities. This means that the bicycle will be taken away and stored until the owner retrieves it by paying a fee. This can be an additional inconvenience and expense for the individual.

It is important to note that the rules and regulations regarding bicycle transportation on the MRT are in place to ensure the safety and comfort of all passengers. By adhering to these rules, we can create a pleasant and efficient commuting environment for everyone.

Remember: Always check the guidelines and obtain proper authorization before bringing your bicycle onto the MRT. It’s better to be safe and follow the rules to avoid any unnecessary penalties or inconveniences.

Alternative Transportation Options for Bicycles

If you can’t bring your bicycle on the MRT, there are still alternative transportation options available for you. Here are a few suggestions:


The bus is a convenient mode of transport that allows you to bring your bicycle along. Most buses have a designated space for bicycles, either in a rack at the front or in the cargo area. Be sure to check with the bus operator regarding their specific rules and regulations for bringing bicycles.

Taxi or Ride-Hailing Service

If you prefer a more private transportation option, you can consider taking a taxi or using a ride-hailing service. Some taxis and ride-hailing companies allow you to bring your bicycle along, although it may result in additional charges. Remember to inform the driver beforehand about your bicycle so they can make the necessary arrangements.

While the MRT might not allow bicycles, there are still alternative transportation options available that can accommodate your bicycle. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of each mode of transport to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey with your bicycle.

Bicycle Rental Services near MRT Stations

If you can’t bring your own bicycle on the MRT, don’t worry! There are bicycle rental services conveniently located near many MRT stations. These rental services offer a convenient and affordable way to explore the city while enjoying the freedom of cycling.

Here are some bicycle rental services near MRT stations:

1. Bike Rental Station

Bike Rental Station is located just a few minutes’ walk from the XYZ MRT station. They offer a wide range of bicycles for rent, including mountain bikes, city bikes, and foldable bikes. The rental process is simple and hassle-free, and their prices are reasonable.

2. City Bike Rental

City Bike Rental is another great option for renting bicycles near MRT stations. They have multiple rental stations located near major MRT stations, making it easy to pick up and drop off your rented bike. They offer both hourly and daily rental options, catering to different needs and durations.

When using these bicycle rental services, make sure to bring along your ID card and a cash deposit. It’s also advisable to wear a helmet for safety. Before renting a bicycle, check for any damages and ensure that the brakes and gears are working properly. Follow the traffic rules and regulations while riding and be considerate towards pedestrians and other road users.

With the availability of bicycle rental services near MRT stations, you can conveniently explore the city while enjoying the benefits of cycling. Remember to return the rented bike on time to avoid additional charges and make the most of your cycling experience in the city!

Feedback and Suggestions for Bicycle Transportation on MRT

As an avid cyclist and frequent user of the MRT, I would like to provide some feedback and suggestions regarding the transportation of bicycles on the MRT system. Currently, bicycles are not allowed on the MRT during peak hours, which can be inconvenient for cyclists who need to commute during these times.

Allowing bicycles on the MRT during off-peak hours: One suggestion is to relax the rules and allow bicycles on the MRT during off-peak hours. This would provide more flexibility for cyclists who need to travel with their bikes but are unable to do so during peak hours. It would also encourage more people to use bicycles as a mode of transportation, promoting a greener and healthier commute.

Designated bicycle compartments: Another suggestion is to designate specific compartments on the MRT for bicycles. These compartments could be easily accessed and provide ample space for cyclists to store their bikes safely during their journey. By having designated compartments, it would ensure that there is enough room for both cyclists and other passengers, reducing the impact on MRT operations.

The benefits of allowing bicycles on the MRT are numerous:

1. Accessibility: Allowing bicycles on the MRT would make cycling a more viable option for those living further away from their workplaces or schools. It would provide a convenient and efficient way to cover larger distances.

2. Health and Environment: Encouraging bicycle transportation on the MRT would contribute to a healthier lifestyle for individuals and a cleaner environment for the community as a whole. By promoting cycling as a mode of transportation, it would reduce pollution and congestion on the roads.

In conclusion,

By considering these feedback and suggestions, the transportation of bicycles on the MRT can be improved to accommodate the needs of cyclists and promote a more sustainable mode of transportation. Allowing bicycles on the MRT during off-peak hours and designating specific compartments would provide cyclists with greater flexibility, accessibility, and convenience. This would ultimately encourage more people to embrace cycling as a viable option for their daily commute. Together, we can create a greener, healthier, and more efficient transportation system.

Improvements in Bicycle Transportation Facilities

In recent years, there have been significant improvements in bicycle transportation facilities, particularly in areas served by the MRT. Recognizing the growing popularity of cycling as a mode of transportation, authorities have made efforts to accommodate cyclists by providing dedicated infrastructure and amenities.

One of the key improvements is the introduction of bicycle racks at MRT stations. These racks provide a secure and convenient place for cyclists to park their bikes while they travel on the MRT. The racks are designed to accommodate different types of bicycles and have been strategically placed near the station entrances for easy access.

Additionally, many MRT stations now have designated bike lanes that connect to major cycling routes. These lanes provide a safer and more convenient way for cyclists to access the MRT stations and other destinations. The bike lanes are clearly marked and separated from vehicular traffic, ensuring the safety of cyclists.

Furthermore, some MRT stations have implemented bike-sharing programs, allowing riders to rent bicycles for short journeys. This initiative promotes cycling as a viable transportation option and encourages more people to use bicycles for their daily commute. Bike-sharing stations are conveniently located near the MRT stations, making it easy for riders to pick up and return bicycles.

It is important to note that while these improvements have made it easier for cyclists to bring their bicycles on the MRT, there are still rules and regulations in place to ensure the safety and convenience of all passengers. Cyclists must adhere to these rules, such as folding their bicycles before boarding the MRT and avoiding peak hours when the trains are crowded. These regulations are in place to maintain a harmonious coexistence between cyclists and other commuters.

In conclusion, the improvements in bicycle transportation facilities, especially in areas served by the MRT, have made it more convenient and safer for cyclists to bring their bicycles on public transport. These improvements not only encourage cycling as a sustainable mode of transportation, but also contribute to a greener and healthier city.

Questions and answers:

Can I bring my bicycle on the MRT?

Yes, you can bring your bicycle on the MRT, but there are some rules and regulations you need to follow.

What are the rules and regulations for bringing a bicycle on the MRT?

The rules and regulations for bringing a bicycle on the MRT include folding your bicycle, removing any protruding parts, and placing it in a designated area on the train.

Is there a specific time when I can bring my bicycle on the MRT?

Yes, you can only bring your bicycle on the MRT during non-peak hours. Non-peak hours are from the start of service until 7:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and 8:00 p.m. to the end of service on weekdays. On weekends and public holidays, you can bring your bicycle on the MRT at any time of the day.

Are there any restrictions on the size or type of bicycle I can bring on the MRT?

Yes, there are restrictions on the size and type of bicycle you can bring on the MRT. Only folding bicycles are allowed, and the dimensions of the folded bicycle should not exceed 120cm by 70cm by 40cm.

What happens if I don’t follow the rules and regulations for bringing a bicycle on the MRT?

If you don’t follow the rules and regulations for bringing a bicycle on the MRT, you may be fined or asked to leave the train. It’s important to respect the rules and regulations to ensure a safe and comfortable journey for all passengers.