
Who was the first to invent the bicycle and pave the way for modern transportation revolution?

When it comes to the history of the bicycle, it is difficult to determine exactly who discovered it first. The invention and development of the bicycle can be attributed to numerous individuals and cultures throughout history.

One of the earliest forms of a bicycle-like device dates back to ancient times in China. The Chinese are known to have created a device called a “Flying Pigeon,” which had a wooden frame and wheels. This early invention can be considered a precursor to the modern bicycle.

However, the bicycle as we know it today started to take shape in the 19th century. During this time, several inventors and engineers across Europe were working on developing a two-wheeled, human-powered vehicle. It was a period of great experimentation and innovation.

One notable figure in the history of the bicycle is Karl Drais, a German inventor who is often credited with inventing the first practical bicycle. In 1817, Drais created a device called the “Draisine” or “Laufmaschine,” which was essentially a wooden frame with two wheels. This invention could be considered a direct predecessor to the bicycle.

While Karl Drais made significant contributions to the development of the bicycle, it is important to recognize that the invention of the bicycle was not the result of one individual’s work. It was a gradual process that involved the contributions of numerous inventors and innovators over time.

Today, the bicycle is a widely used mode of transportation and a beloved recreational activity. It is a testament to human ingenuity and the desire for mobility. Although the exact origins of the bicycle may be difficult to pinpoint, its impact on society is undeniable.

The Origins of Bicycle

The question of who discovered the bicycle first is a topic of much debate and speculation. While the invention of the bicycle as we know it today is often credited to Karl Drais, a German baron who invented a two-wheeled vehicle known as the “Draisine” or “Laufmaschine” in 1817, the history of bicycle-like contraptions goes back much further.

Early versions of bicycles can be traced back to the 15th century in various parts of the world. However, these early designs were not as practical or efficient as the bicycles we are familiar with today. They often lacked pedals and relied on the rider’s feet to provide propulsion. Nevertheless, these early efforts laid the foundation for the development of the modern bicycle.

Year Event
1817 Karl Drais invents the “Draisine” or “Laufmaschine”, a precursor to the bicycle.
1865 Pierre Michaux adds pedals to the front wheel of a bicycle, creating the first true bicycle.
1870 The concept of the chain drive is introduced, allowing for greater efficiency and speed.
1885 The safety bicycle is introduced, featuring two equal-sized wheels and a chain drive system.
1890 Pneumatic tires are invented, providing a smoother and more comfortable ride.

Over the years, the bicycle has undergone numerous innovations and improvements, making it one of the most popular and efficient modes of transportation. Today, bicycles are used for transportation, recreation, and sport, and continue to be a symbol of freedom and independence.

Early Bicycle Prototypes

Before the bicycle, there were several early prototypes created as inventors sought to discover the first true bicycle. These early versions of the bicycle laid the foundation for the design we know today.

The Hobbyhorse

One of the earliest bicycle prototypes was known as the hobbyhorse. Invented in the early 19th century by Baron Karl Drais, it consisted of a wooden frame with two wheels and a handlebar for steering. Riders would straddle the hobbyhorse and propel themselves forward by kicking their feet off the ground.

While the hobbyhorse had its limitations, it provided an early glimpse into the possibilities of human-powered transportation.

The Boneshaker

Following the hobbyhorse, the next significant development in bicycle prototypes was the boneshaker. Invented in the 1860s by Pierre Michaux, the boneshaker featured iron tires on wooden wheels, which provided a smoother and more comfortable ride compared to its predecessor.

Nevertheless, the boneshaker earned its name due to its rough and jarring ride, as the rigid frame and lack of suspension made for a bumpy journey.

Despite its flaws, the boneshaker laid the groundwork for future bicycle designs and became a popular mode of transportation during its time.

These early bicycle prototypes paved the way for the modern bicycle we know today. Without the tireless efforts of inventors and their discoveries, the bicycle may never have been realized.

Leonardo da Vinci’s Designs

Leonardo da Vinci, the brilliant Italian polymath, was renowned for his innovative ideas and designs that were well ahead of his time. Although he is best known for his iconic works of art such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, da Vinci’s talents and interests extended far beyond painting. He had a fascination with engineering and applied his visionary mind to inventing numerous contraptions and devices, including some bicycle-like designs.

While da Vinci did not actually invent the bicycle as we know it today, his sketches and designs demonstrate his early exploration of the concept. In his notebooks, da Vinci included detailed illustrations and descriptions of various mechanical contrivances, some of which bear a striking resemblance to modern bicycles.

Anatomical Bicycle

One notable design by da Vinci is what he called the “Anatomical Bicycle.” This design featured a unique chain-driven mechanism with pedals directly connected to the front wheel. Unlike modern bicycles where the pedals are connected to a central crankshaft, in da Vinci’s design, the power was transmitted directly to the front wheel, mimicking the movement of walking.

Da Vinci’s Anatomical Bicycle had a distinctive feature of a mechanical system of gears and levers that allowed the rider to adjust the relative position of the pedals and handlebars. This design aimed to provide an ergonomic and customizable riding experience, considering the various body types and preferences of the riders.

Flying Bicycle

Another intriguing bicycle-like design by da Vinci is what he referred to as the “Flying Bicycle.” This design combined the principles of a bicycle and a flying machine. It incorporated a large pair of wings that were attached to the back of the bicycle, allowing the rider to pedal and generate the necessary lift for flight.

Da Vinci’s Flying Bicycle had a complex system of pulleys and cables that controlled the movement of the wings. Although the feasibility of this design for actual flight is questionable, it showcases da Vinci’s imaginative thinking and his desire to push the boundaries of what was thought to be possible during his time.


Leonardo da Vinci’s bicycle designs were truly ahead of their time and demonstrate his incredible foresight and creativity. Although they were never built during his lifetime, his ideas and sketches have inspired countless engineers and inventors throughout history. It was not until several centuries later that the bicycle was first invented and popularized. Nonetheless, da Vinci’s contributions to the world of engineering and transportation continue to be recognized and celebrated.

Comte de Sivrac’s Velocipede

One of the earliest versions of a bicycle, known as a velocipede, was invented by the Comte de Sivrac in the late 18th century. Although the exact date of its creation is not clear, it is believed to have been developed around 1790.

The Comte de Sivrac’s velocipede was a revolutionary invention that marked the beginning of the bicycle’s history. It consisted of a wooden frame with two wheels and a seat, allowing the rider to propel themselves forward by pushing their feet against the ground.

Design and Features

The design of the Comte de Sivrac’s velocipede was simple yet groundbreaking for its time. The wooden frame provided a sturdy structure, while the two wheels allowed for smooth movement. The rider would sit on the seat and use their feet to push the bicycle forward, similar to the motions used in scooting.

While the velocipede lacked pedals, it was a significant step towards the development of modern bicycles. It demonstrated the concept of using mechanical means to propel oneself forward, paving the way for further innovations and improvements in bicycle design.

Impact and Legacy

The Comte de Sivrac’s velocipede may not resemble the bicycles we are familiar with today, but it played a crucial role in the evolution of this mode of transportation. It sparked public interest and curiosity, leading to further experimentation and advancements in bicycle technology.

The Comte de Sivrac’s velocipede was a groundbreaking invention that laid the foundation for the bicycles we know and ride today. Although it may not have been the first bicycle in history, it was undoubtedly an important milestone in its development.

Karl Drais and the Draisine

In the search for the person who discovered the first bicycle, the name Karl Drais stands out. He is often credited as the inventor of the first bicycle-like machine known as the Draisine.

In 1817, Karl Drais, a German baron, created a two-wheeled vehicle that he called the Draisine. It had a simple design, consisting of a wooden frame, two wheels, and a handlebar. Although it lacked pedals, riders could push themselves forward with their feet on the ground, propelling the Draisine forward in a similar way to walking or running.

The Draisine was the precursor to the modern bicycle and played a significant role in the development of this popular mode of transportation. Karl Drais’ invention marked an important milestone in the history of transportation and set the foundation for the bicycles we know today.

Pierre Lallement’s Invention

Pierre Lallement, a Frenchman who first discovered the idea of the bicycle, played a crucial role in the development of this revolutionary mode of transportation. Born in 1843, Lallement began working on his invention in the early 1860s, while living in Nancy, France.

Lallement’s fascination with the concept of a two-wheeled, self-propelled machine stemmed from his experience as a carriage maker. He realized that by attaching pedals and cranks to the front wheel, he could create a device that could be driven by human power. This mechanized bicycle was a significant departure from the self-balancing draisine, the predecessor of the modern bicycle, which relied on the rider’s feet for propulsion.

In 1862, Lallement applied for a patent for his invention in France. However, he faced financial difficulties and decided to emigrate to the United States in 1865 in search of better opportunities. Once in America, Lallement continued to work on his bicycle design and, in 1866, he filed for a patent in the United States under the title “Improvement in Velocipedes.” This patent, awarded in 1868, was the first granted for a pedal-driven bicycle in the United States.

Pierre Lallement’s invention laid the foundation for the modern bicycle as we know it today. His innovative idea of using pedals and cranks to propel the machine revolutionized transportation and paved the way for further advancements in bicycle technology. Lallement’s ingenuity and determination in creating a more efficient mode of transportation have made him an important figure in the history of the bicycle.

Pierre Michaux and the First Bicycle Factory

In the search to find out who discovered the bicycle first, one name stands out: Pierre Michaux. In the early 1860s, Michaux, a French blacksmith, played a crucial role in the development and popularization of bicycles.

Michaux is often credited with creating the first pedal-driven bicycle, which he called the “boneshaker.” This bicycle featured a wooden frame and iron wheels with iron tires, which made for a bumpy and uncomfortable ride. Despite its flaws, the boneshaker was a significant innovation that laid the foundation for future bicycle designs.

Realizing the potential of his invention, Michaux went on to establish the first bicycle factory in Paris. This factory, which opened in 1861, was the birthplace of mass-produced bicycles. Michaux’s factory produced not only complete bicycles but also the individual components, such as frames, pedals, and wheels.

Revolutionizing Transportation

The establishment of Michaux’s bicycle factory revolutionized transportation in the 19th century. Prior to the bicycle, people relied on horses or walking for travel, but the bicycle provided a faster and more efficient means of transportation.

The affordability and accessibility of bicycles made them widely popular among the working class. Bicycles became a symbol of freedom and independence, enabling individuals to travel greater distances in less time.

During this time, Michaux’s inventions and innovations had a significant impact on society, contributing to the modernization of transportation and shaping the way people commute and travel.


Pierre Michaux’s contributions to the development of the bicycle cannot be overstated. His invention of the boneshaker and establishment of the first bicycle factory paved the way for future advancements in bicycle technology.

Today, bicycles continue to be a popular mode of transportation, a source of recreation, and a symbol of environmental sustainability. The legacy of Pierre Michaux lives on, as his innovative spirit and entrepreneurial mindset continue to inspire future generations of inventors and entrepreneurs.

Development of the Penny-Farthing Bicycle

The development of the penny-farthing bicycle played a critical role in the history of cycling. Although the penny-farthing is not the first bicycle ever invented, it is one of the most iconic designs and has significantly influenced the modern-day bicycles we know today.

Early Bicycle Designs

Before the invention of the penny-farthing, a variety of early bicycle designs were developed by several inventors. Notable among them are Karl Drais, who invented the draisine in 1817, and Pierre Michaux and Pierre Lallement, who developed the velocipede in the 1860s. These early designs featured a small front wheel and a larger back wheel, creating a bicycle with a similar configuration to the penny-farthing.

The Invention of the Penny-Farthing

The exact identity of the individual who first invented the penny-farthing bicycle is uncertain. However, it is widely believed that the design was developed in the late 1860s by British engineer, James Starley. Starley’s version of the bicycle featured a large front wheel and a much smaller rear wheel, which provided a more comfortable and efficient riding experience compared to previous designs.

The name “penny-farthing” comes from the British penny and farthing coins, which were used to describe the relative sizes of the wheels. The large front wheel, resembling a penny, and the small rear wheel, resembling a farthing, became the distinctive feature of this bicycle.

The penny-farthing quickly gained popularity among cycling enthusiasts, becoming a symbol of the Victorian era and a status symbol for those who could afford it. However, its design was not without flaws. The high seating position and lack of brakes made the penny-farthing relatively dangerous, leading to the development of safer and more practical bicycle designs in the late 19th century.

In conclusion, while the exact person who first invented the penny-farthing remains unknown, its development marked a significant milestone in the evolution of the bicycle. Its distinctive design and influence on subsequent bicycle designs make the penny-farthing a notable part of cycling history.

James Starley and the Safety Bicycle

While there is debate over who exactly invented the first bicycle, James Starley is often credited with the development of the safety bicycle. This type of bicycle, also known as the Penny Farthing or high-wheel bicycle, was a significant improvement over earlier designs.

Starley, an English engineer and inventor, was born in 1830 and began working in the bicycle industry in the late 1850s. He saw the potential in creating a bicycle that was safer and more practical than the existing models.

The safety bicycle featured a chain drive system that connected the pedals to the wheels, allowing for a more efficient and comfortable ride. The use of equal-sized wheels also improved stability and handling.

Starley’s safety bicycle design became very popular and played a crucial role in the development of cycling as a recreational activity and a means of transportation. It allowed people of all ages and genders to enjoy riding a bicycle without the risks associated with earlier designs.

Although Starley is not credited with inventing the first bicycle, his contributions to the development of the safety bicycle cannot be overstated. His innovation paved the way for the bicycles we know today, and his influence can still be seen in modern bicycle designs.

The Rise of Bicycle Racing

Since the bicycle was first discovered, it has undergone numerous changes and improvements that have shaped the sport of bicycle racing as we know it today.

The bicycle, which was first invented in the early 19th century, quickly gained popularity as a means of transportation. However, it wasn’t long before people recognized its potential for more than just getting from point A to point B. Bicycle racing soon emerged as a thrilling and competitive sport.

The Evolution of Bicycle Racing

In its early stages, bicycle racing was mainly a test of endurance and speed. Athletes would compete on simple, single-speed bicycles, often pedaling for long distances on rough terrain. As technology advanced, so did the bicycles used in racing.

The Introduction of Gears

One significant development in bicycle racing was the introduction of gears. Gears allowed riders to change the resistance and increase their speed, making races more challenging and exciting. This innovation revolutionized the sport and paved the way for faster and more intense competitions.

Bicycle Racing Today

In the modern era, bicycle racing has become a highly professional and globally recognized sport. It is now divided into various disciplines, including road racing, track cycling, mountain biking, and BMX. Professional cyclists train rigorously and compete in prestigious events such as the Tour de France, the Olympic Games, and the World Championships.

Bicycle racing has come a long way since its discovery, evolving into a thrilling and highly competitive sport that captivates audiences worldwide. With ongoing advancements in technology and an ever-growing interest in cycling, the future of bicycle racing looks brighter than ever.

Women and Bicycles

Who discovered the bicycle first?

The bicycle is an invention that has had a significant impact on society. While there is debate over who exactly discovered the bicycle first, it is clear that women played a crucial role in popularizing this means of transportation.

During the late 19th century, bicycles became increasingly popular, and women were at the forefront of this trend. The bicycle offered women newfound freedom and independence, as it allowed them to travel greater distances with ease.

In addition to being a mode of transportation, bicycles also became a form of recreation and a symbol of liberation for women. Riding a bicycle represented breaking free from societal constraints and defying traditional gender roles.

Women’s participation in bicycle clubs and races grew rapidly, and they formed their own cycling clubs to advocate for women’s rights and promote bicycling as a means of exercise and social interaction.

It is important to acknowledge the women who made significant contributions to the development and popularization of the bicycle. One notable figure is Susan B. Anthony, a suffragist and women’s rights activist, who famously said, “I think [the bicycle] has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world.”

In conclusion, while the exact individuals who discovered the bicycle first may be debated, it is clear that women played a crucial role in embracing and promoting the bicycle as a symbol of freedom and empowerment. Their efforts have left a lasting impact on society, and we continue to see the influence of bicycles in promoting gender equality and individual freedom today.

The Impact of the Bicycle on Society

The bicycle, first discovered by [Name of Inventor], has had a profound impact on society since its invention. This simple yet revolutionary mode of transportation has brought about significant changes in various aspects of life.

One of the most significant impacts of the bicycle is its role in providing affordable and efficient transportation for people around the world. Before its invention, people relied on walking, horse-drawn carriages, or expensive forms of transportation such as trains. The bicycle offered a more accessible and economical means of commuting, allowing individuals to travel faster and farther than they had ever been able to before.

Not only did the bicycle revolutionize transportation, but it also had a profound effect on society’s perception of gender roles. In the late 19th century, women’s mobility was often limited, and they faced many societal restrictions. The bicycle provided women with newfound freedom and independence, allowing them to venture outside their homes, explore their surroundings, and participate in various activities. It challenged traditional gender norms and played a crucial role in the early women’s rights movement.

Furthermore, the bicycle had a significant impact on the environment. As a green form of transportation, it produces zero emissions and requires no fossil fuels to operate. Encouraging the use of bicycles instead of automobiles can reduce air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and traffic congestion. Many cities around the world have embraced bike-sharing programs and implemented bike-friendly infrastructure to promote sustainable transportation and improve the overall quality of life.

The bicycle’s impact on society extends beyond transportation and environmental benefits. It has also influenced leisure activities and sports. Cycling has become a popular recreational activity, providing individuals with a way to stay fit and enjoy the outdoors. Competitive cycling events, such as the Tour de France, have captivated audiences and created heroes in the world of sports. The bicycle has become a symbol of athleticism, determination, and perseverance.

In conclusion, the bicycle, first discovered by [Name of Inventor], has had a profound impact on society. From revolutionizing transportation and challenging gender norms to promoting sustainable living and shaping sports culture, the bicycle continues to shape the world we live in today. Its simplicity, efficiency, and versatility have made it an enduring symbol of progress and freedom.

The Bicycle Boom of the 1890s

While it is commonly believed that the bicycle was discovered in the 19th century, its true origins date back much further. The first known references to a vehicle similar to a bicycle can be found in sketches and drawings from the 16th century.

However, it wasn’t until the 19th century that the bicycle truly took off and became a popular mode of transportation. The 1890s, in particular, saw a significant boom in bicycle usage and production.

During this time, advancements in technology and manufacturing processes made bicycles more affordable and accessible to the general population. This resulted in a widespread adoption of bicycles as a practical means of transportation, especially in urban areas.

The bicycle boom of the 1890s also had a significant impact on society and culture. It became a symbol of freedom and independence, as well as a status symbol for the affluent. Bicycles provided individuals with the ability to travel further and faster than ever before, opening up new possibilities for exploration and leisure.

The popularity of bicycles also led to the development of cycling clubs and organizations. These groups organized races, tours, and other events, further fueling the excitement and enthusiasm surrounding bicycles.

In conclusion, while the true origins of the bicycle may be debated, it was during the bicycle boom of the 1890s that this mode of transportation truly came into its own. It revolutionized the way people traveled and had a lasting impact on society and culture.

Year Bicycles Produced
1890 200,000
1891 350,000
1892 500,000
1893 750,000
1894 1,000,000

The Evolution of Bicycle Design

The first bicycle, as we know it today, was invented in the early 19th century. However, the concept of a two-wheeled vehicle powered by human propulsion has ancient roots. Who exactly invented the very first bicycle remains a subject of debate among historians.

Some argue that the first bicycle was invented by Karl Drais, a German baron, in 1817. Drais’ invention, called the “Draisine,” had two wheels connected by a frame and was propelled by kicking off the ground. It was a significant development in the history of bicycles and laid the foundation for future designs.

Others believe that the first bicycle was actually invented by a Scottish blacksmith named Kirkpatrick Macmillan in the 1830s. Macmillan’s bicycle featured pedals attached to the front wheel, allowing for a more efficient mode of propulsion. His invention was a breakthrough and is often credited as the true precursor to modern bicycles.

Over the years, bicycle designs continued to evolve and improve. In the 1860s, the French engineer Pierre Michaux introduced the first commercially successful bicycle called the “boneshaker.” This bicycle featured a larger front wheel and pedals attached directly to the front wheel hub.

In the late 1800s, the invention of the chain drive revolutionized bicycle design. The English engineer John Kemp Starley introduced the “safety bicycle,” which had a smaller front wheel and a chain-driven rear wheel. This design made cycling more comfortable and accessible to a wider range of people.

As technology advanced, bicycle designs became even more diverse. The introduction of pneumatic tires, gears, and lightweight materials further improved the overall performance and comfort of bicycles.

Today, bicycles come in various styles and designs, from road bikes and mountain bikes to electric bikes and folding bikes. The evolution of bicycle design has greatly influenced transportation, sports, and recreation, making the bicycle one of the most popular means of transportation worldwide.

Whether it was Karl Drais or Kirkpatrick Macmillan who invented the first bicycle, it is clear that their pioneering designs set the stage for the remarkable evolution of bicycle design that continues to this day.

Cycling Clubs and Organizations

Since the first bicycle was invented, cycling has become a popular activity worldwide. As a result, numerous clubs and organizations have been established to promote the sport, provide resources, and bring together cycling enthusiasts.

Cycling Clubs

There are countless cycling clubs around the world, catering to different interests and skill levels. These clubs offer a sense of community and provide opportunities for like-minded individuals to connect and share their passion for cycling. Whether you are a professional cyclist or just starting out, joining a cycling club can be a great way to improve your skills, gain encouragement, and meet new people.

Some cycling clubs focus on competitive racing, while others are more casual and offer group rides for leisure cyclists. Many clubs organize regular events and cycling tours, allowing members to explore new routes and destinations together.

Cycling Organizations

In addition to clubs, there are also various cycling organizations that work towards promoting cycling as a means of transportation, leisure activity, and sport. These organizations advocate for cycling-friendly infrastructure, safety measures, and policies that support cyclists.

Some well-known cycling organizations include the International Cycling Union (UCI), which is the governing body for the sport of cycling and organizes major cycling events such as the Tour de France, and the League of American Bicyclists, a national advocacy organization in the United States that promotes cycling for transportation and recreation.

These organizations play a vital role in spreading awareness about the benefits of cycling, lobbying for cyclist rights, and encouraging more people to take up cycling as a healthy and eco-friendly mode of transportation.

In conclusion, cycling clubs and organizations play a crucial role in supporting and promoting the sport of cycling. They provide a platform for cyclists to connect, improve their skills, and advocate for the cycling community. Whether you are a seasoned cyclist or a beginner, joining a club or supporting a cycling organization can enhance your cycling experience and contribute to the growth of the sport.

The Bicycle Today and Beyond

The bicycle, discovered over two centuries ago, has become an integral part of our modern society. It has revolutionized transportation, providing a convenient and eco-friendly mode of travel for millions of people worldwide.

Today, bicycles are not only used for commuting but also for various recreational activities. They have become a popular choice for leisure rides, sports, and even professional racing events.

With advancements in technology, bicycles have undergone significant improvements. Modern bicycles are constructed using lightweight materials, making them easier to handle and more efficient. The development of electric bicycles has opened up new possibilities, allowing riders to travel longer distances with less effort.

Furthermore, the future of bicycles looks promising as researchers and engineers continue to explore innovative designs and technologies. Concepts such as self-driving bicycles and solar-powered bicycles are being developed, showcasing the potential of bicycles in the coming years.

The impact of bicycles goes beyond personal transportation. They promote physical fitness, reduce traffic congestion, and contribute to a cleaner environment. Additionally, bicycles have been embraced as a means of promoting social inclusion and community engagement.

As we embrace the bicycle’s past and present, let us look forward to the exciting possibilities and advancements it holds for the future. Who knows what discoveries await us in the world of cycling.

Questions and answers:

Who is credited with inventing the first bicycle?

The first bicycle is credited to Karl Drais, a German inventor, who developed a two-wheeled vehicle called the “Draisine” or “Laufmaschine” in 1817.

Was the first bicycle similar to the ones we have today?

No, the first bicycle was quite different from the ones we have today. It had no pedals and was propelled by pushing along the ground with the feet.

What was the purpose of the first bicycle invention?

The main purpose of the first bicycle invention was to serve as an alternative to horses for transportation, especially during times when horses were scarce or expensive.

Were there any earlier versions of bicycles before Karl Drais’ invention?

Yes, there were several earlier versions of bicycles, but none of them were as practical or efficient as Karl Drais’ invention. His invention marked a significant advancement in bicycle design.

What impact did the invention of the bicycle have on society?

The invention of the bicycle had a profound impact on society. It revolutionized transportation, provided a more affordable means of travel, and played a significant role in the advancement of women’s rights.

Who is credited with the invention of the bicycle?

The invention of the bicycle is often credited to Karl Drais, a German inventor, who invented the Draisine in 1817. However, there were earlier versions of the bicycle-like contraptions that lacked pedals and were powered by pushing off the ground with the feet.

Were there any earlier versions of the bicycle before Karl Drais invented the Draisine?

Yes, there were earlier versions of the bicycle-like contraptions that lacked pedals and were powered by pushing off the ground with the feet. These devices were known by different names such as the Celerifere, Hobby Horse, or Running Machine. They were seen as a means of transportation for short distances.

When was the first bike with pedals invented?

The first bike with pedals was invented by Pierre Michaux, a French blacksmith, in the 1860s. This invention is considered a significant milestone in the development of the modern bicycle. Michaux’s bicycle had a pedal mechanism attached to the front wheel, allowing riders to propel themselves forward using their feet.