
Who Revolutionized Football with the Invention of Bicycle Kick

The bicycle kick is one of the most spectacular moves in football. It requires skill, precision, and athleticism. But who invented this acrobatic maneuver that has captured the imagination of fans around the world?

There is a popular belief that the bicycle kick was invented by a South American player in the early 20th century. However, this claim is not supported by historical evidence. The true origin of the bicycle kick is still a matter of debate among football historians.

One theory suggests that the bicycle kick was first seen in Europe, specifically in England. The country is known for its long history of football and is often credited with inventing many of the game’s iconic moves. According to this theory, the bicycle kick was developed by a talented player who wanted to add an extra element of surprise to his game.

Another theory proposes that the bicycle kick was independently invented by multiple players around the same time. This would explain why different players from different countries claim to have invented the move. Regardless of its true origins, the bicycle kick has become an integral part of football’s history and is now a cherished skill among players and fans alike.

The Origin of Bicycle Kick in Football

In the world of football, the bicycle kick is a spectacular move that never fails to captivate the audience. This acrobatic maneuver involves the player kicking the ball while in mid-air, with their body parallel to the ground and legs extended above their head. It is a move that requires immense skill, agility, and timing.

But who invented the bicycle kick in football? The origins of this incredible skill can be traced back to the early 20th century. While there is no definitive answer to this question, some sources attribute the invention to a South American football player named Ramón Unzaga.

Ramón Unzaga: The Pioneer

Ramón Unzaga, a Chilean footballer who played for the club Unión, is said to have performed the first-ever bicycle kick in a match against the English team Exeter City in 1914. The move took the football world by storm, leaving everyone in awe of the skill and audacity displayed by Unzaga.

Unzaga’s bicycle kick quickly gained popularity in South America and Europe, with other players attempting to replicate the move. However, it wasn’t until the 1950s and 1960s that the bicycle kick truly became a widespread phenomenon in football.

The Bicycle Kick Goes Global

Some football legends, such as Pelé and Diego Maradona, helped popularize the bicycle kick on a global scale. Their incredible performances and skills captivated fans worldwide, inspiring young footballers to master this acrobatic move.

Today, the bicycle kick is a common sight in football matches, with players from different teams and countries showcasing their athleticism and creativity. It has become an iconic symbol of the sport, demonstrating the beauty and artistry that football can possess.

In conclusion, while the exact inventor of the bicycle kick in football remains a topic of debate, it is undeniable that Ramón Unzaga played a crucial role in popularizing this extraordinary skill. His audacious and innovative move paved the way for future generations of footballers to showcase their acrobatic prowess on the field.

The Beginnings of Bicycle Kick

The bicycle kick is one of the most iconic moves in football. It is a skillful maneuver that involves the player making an acrobatic kick while in mid-air, with their body in a near-horizontal position. This move is often used to strike the ball with great power, precision, and style. But who invented the bicycle kick in football?

The origins of the bicycle kick can be traced back to the early 20th century. While it is difficult to pinpoint the exact moment and person who first performed this move, it is believed to have emerged in South America.

In the early years of football, players sought innovative ways to score goals and inspire their teams. It was during this time that the bicycle kick started to gain attention and popularity.

Influence from South America

South American players had a significant influence on the development of the bicycle kick. The region produced a number of talented players who showcased their skills and creativity on the field.

Players from countries like Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay were particularly known for their flair and technical ability. It is believed that these players experimented with different techniques and moves, including the bicycle kick, as they sought to entertain fans and outsmart their opponents.

Legacy in Football

Since its inception, the bicycle kick has become a widely recognized and celebrated skill in football. Many players have become famous for their ability to execute this move, and it has been used to score some of the most breathtaking goals in the history of the sport.

The bicycle kick continues to captivate fans and inspire young players around the world. Its beauty and difficulty have made it a symbol of creativity, athleticism, and the relentless pursuit of excellence in football.

In conclusion, while it is difficult to attribute the invention of the bicycle kick to a specific individual, its origins can be traced back to South America. The innovative and skillful players from this region played a significant role in popularizing this move, which has since become an integral part of the game of football.

The Early Pioneers of Bicycle Kick

Before diving into who exactly invented the bicycle kick in football, it’s important to acknowledge the early pioneers who helped popularize this acrobatic move. Although there is no single person credited with inventing the bicycle kick, there were several players who showcased their skills and played a significant role in its development.

Leonidas da Silva

A Brazilian striker known for his creativity and technical abilities, Leonidas da Silva was one of the first players to perform the bicycle kick during his career in the 1930s. He astounded spectators with his incredible agility and coordination, using this move to score numerous goals and leave a lasting impact on the sport of football.

Ferenc Puskás

A Hungarian legend regarded as one of the greatest footballers of all time, Ferenc Puskás also contributed to the rise of the bicycle kick. His incredible goal-scoring ability and elegance on the field were exemplified through his execution of this acrobatic move. Puskás’ skill and technique inspired future generations of players to attempt the bicycle kick.

While these players were pioneers in showcasing the bicycle kick, it is essential to remember that football is a collective effort, and the development of this move was influenced by many others who contributed to the sport’s evolution.

The Evolution of Bicycle Kick

The bicycle kick is a skill in football where a player kicks the ball while in mid-air, with their body in a position resembling a bicycle pedal motion. This acrobatic move has become one of the most iconic and spectacular plays in the game.

While it is difficult to pinpoint an exact individual who invented the bicycle kick, it is believed to have originated in Europe in the late 19th or early 20th century. As the sport of football evolved and became more popular, players began to experiment with new techniques and skills to gain an advantage on the field.

The bicycle kick quickly became a crowd-pleasing move, admired for its skill and creativity. Over the years, many footballers have showcased their mastery of the bicycle kick, including legendary players such as Pelé, Zinedine Zidane, and Cristiano Ronaldo.

With advancements in training methods, athleticism, and overall technical ability, the bicycle kick has evolved. Today, players are able to execute the move with even more precision and generate greater power and accuracy.

While the exact origins of the bicycle kick may remain a mystery, its ongoing evolution is a testament to the creativity and athleticism of football players throughout history.

The Bicycle Kick in Modern Football

In modern football, the bicycle kick has become one of the most iconic and exciting moves in the game. This acrobatic maneuver is executed when a player, in mid-air, brings their leg up and over their head to strike the ball with the heel or instep. The result is a spectacular strike that has the potential to stun spectators and leave goalkeepers helpless.

Although it is unclear exactly who invented the bicycle kick in football, it is believed to have first appeared in the late 19th century. The bicycle kick showcases a player’s athleticism, flexibility, and technique, making it a challenging move to perform successfully.

In recent years, some notable footballers have become famous for their ability to execute the bicycle kick with precision and style. Cristiano Ronaldo, Zlatan Ibrahimović, and Wayne Rooney are among the players who have scored memorable bicycle kick goals, cementing their place in football history.

The bicycle kick has become a symbol of creativity and flair in football. It is a move that showcases both the individual skill of the player performing it and the imagination and innovation that make football such a beautiful game.

Benefits of the Bicycle Kick:
  • Surprises opponents and goalkeepers
  • Spectacular and exciting to watch
  • Requires athleticism and technique
  • Can lead to memorable goals
  • Highlights a player’s individual skill and creativity

Famous Players Known for Bicycle Kick

The bicycle kick is a spectacular move in football that requires immense skill and athleticism. Over the years, there have been several famous players who have become known for their exceptional execution of the bicycle kick.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo, a Portuguese forward, is widely regarded as one of the greatest footballers of all time. Known for his incredible athleticism and goal-scoring ability, Ronaldo has performed numerous bicycle kicks throughout his career. One of his most famous bicycle kick goals came in a Champions League match in 2018, where he scored a stunning overhead kick against Juventus.

Zlatan Ibrahimović

Zlatan Ibrahimović, a Swedish striker, is known for his acrobatic style of play and his ability to score spectacular goals. Ibrahimović has scored multiple bicycle kick goals throughout his career, including a remarkable bicycle kick goal against England in a 2012 international friendly. This goal is often regarded as one of the greatest bicycle kicks ever scored.

These players have not only mastered the bicycle kick but have also showcased their creativity and technical brilliance on the football field. Their ability to execute such a difficult move with precision and style has earned them a place in football history.

The Controversies Surrounding Bicycle Kick

Bicycle kick is a fascinating move in the world of football. It is a skillful maneuver where a player makes a high flying kick while airborne, often resulting in an impressive goal. However, the origins of the bicycle kick and its true inventor have been a topic of debate among football enthusiasts.

There is no definitive answer to the question of who invented the bicycle kick. Various players and teams have claimed to be the pioneers of this spectacular move. However, it is widely believed that the bicycle kick became popular in the 20th century, with several players showcasing their skills on the pitch.

Leônidas da Silva

One of the earliest players credited with popularizing the bicycle kick is Brazilian forward Leônidas da Silva. He was known for his acrobatic skills and introduced the bicycle kick to the football world during the 1930s. Leônidas da Silva’s bicycle kick became iconic and inspired many players to attempt this daring move.

Hugo Sánchez

Another player often associated with the bicycle kick is Mexican striker Hugo Sánchez. He gained fame in the 1980s for his goal-scoring prowess and his ability to execute the bicycle kick with precision. Hugo Sánchez scored numerous goals using this technique and became an inspiration for future generations of footballers.

Despite these notable figures, it is important to note that the bicycle kick is not attributed to a single individual. Many players, past and present, have contributed to the popularity and development of this skill. The true inventor of the bicycle kick may remain a mystery, but its impact on the game of football will never be forgotten.

Possible Inventors Year
Leônidas da Silva 1930s
Hugo Sánchez 1980s

The Technique Behind Bicycle Kick

The bicycle kick is a spectacular move in football where a player kicks the ball while in mid-air and their body is parallel to the ground. It is one of the most difficult and impressive techniques to master in the sport.

Although it is unclear who exactly invented the bicycle kick, it is believed to have originated in South America in the early 20th century. Some sources credit the legendary Brazilian forward, Leônidas da Silva, as the pioneer of this acrobatic move.

The Execution

To perform a bicycle kick, the player must position themselves with their back facing the goal and their body slightly leaning backwards. The leg that will strike the ball is raised high in the air, while the player jumps and simultaneously lifts their other leg off the ground.

At the right moment, the player thrusts their leg forward with force, making contact with the ball using the aim of hitting it towards the goal. The player’s body follows through with a scissor-like motion, creating a powerful and stylish shot.

The Difficulty

The bicycle kick requires exceptional timing, coordination, and athleticism. It is a high-risk move, as mistiming the kick or losing balance in mid-air can result in injury. It is often attempted in situations where a regular shot or header is not possible, such as when the ball is too high or behind the player.

The bicycle kick is a testament to the creativity and improvisation that exists in football. It is a move that is admired and celebrated by fans worldwide and cements its place as one of the most iconic techniques in the history of the sport.

Training to Master Bicycle Kick

The bicycle kick is a spectacular move in football that was invented by someone who remains unknown. This acrobatic maneuver is used by players to strike the ball while jumping, with their back facing the goal. It requires a high level of skill, strength, and flexibility.

To master the bicycle kick, football players need to undergo specific training techniques. Here are some essential steps to follow:

Step 1: Strengthen your core muscles. The bicycle kick relies heavily on core strength and stability. Exercises such as planks, sit-ups, and Russian twists can help strengthen your abdominal and lower back muscles.
Step 2: Work on your flexibility. Stretching exercises like lunges, hamstring stretches, and hip rotations can improve your range of motion and make it easier to execute the bicycle kick.
Step 3: Practice your timing and coordination. Set up drills that involve jumping and kicking the ball at the right moment. Start with stationary drills and gradually progress to more dynamic movements.
Step 4: Perfect your technique. Focus on proper body positioning, such as leaning back and keeping your eyes on the ball. Practice the kicking motion repeatedly until it becomes second nature.
Step 5: Train under different conditions. Practice the bicycle kick on different surfaces, such as grass, turf, or indoor courts. This will help you adapt to various playing conditions and improve your overall control.

Remember, mastering the bicycle kick takes time and dedication. It’s a move that requires not only physical prowess but also mental focus. With consistent training and practice, you can increase your chances of successfully executing this iconic and awe-inspiring maneuver on the football field.

Bicycle Kick vs Scissor Kick

In football, both the bicycle kick and the scissor kick are acrobatic moves that often leave spectators in awe. These types of kicks are commonly used in situations where a player needs to score a goal or create a scoring opportunity.

Bicycle Kick

The bicycle kick, also known as an overhead kick or scissors kick, is a technique where a player jumps into the air, usually with their back to the goal, and kicks the ball with an overhead motion using their legs. This move requires a high level of skill, coordination, and timing to execute successfully.

Scissor Kick

The scissor kick, also known as a scissor volley, is a similar move to the bicycle kick. However, instead of kicking the ball with an overhead motion, the scissor kick involves kicking the ball while in mid-air with a scissor-like motion. The player swings their leg in a scissor-like motion, with the non-kicking leg following a similar path. This move also requires precise timing and coordination to be effective.

Bicycle Kick Scissor Kick
Requires player to jump into the air Requires player to jump into the air
Kick ball with an overhead motion Kick ball with a scissor-like motion
Back to the goal Position may vary
Higher level of difficulty Moderate level of difficulty

Overall, both the bicycle kick and scissor kick are impressive moves that showcase the skills and athleticism of football players. The inventor of the bicycle kick is disputed and there is no single person credited with its invention. However, it is commonly believed that the move originated in South America in the early 20th century.

The Bicycle Kick in Different Leagues

The bicycle kick, also known as an overhead kick, is a stunning move in football where a player kicks the ball while in mid-air and their body is almost parallel to the ground. It is a difficult skill to master, requiring great timing, balance, and athleticism. This acrobatic technique has been performed by some of the most talented players in the world throughout the history of football.

In the English Premier League

The English Premier League, known for its fast pace and physicality, has seen its fair share of bicycle kicks. Players like Wayne Rooney and Olivier Giroud have showcased their skills with this spectacular move, leaving fans in awe. Rooney’s bicycle kick against Manchester City in 2011 remains one of the most iconic goals in Premier League history.

In La Liga

La Liga, the top professional league in Spain, is no stranger to the bicycle kick. Players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Zlatan Ibrahimović have demonstrated their acrobatic abilities on numerous occasions. Ronaldo’s bicycle kick goal against Juventus in the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals in 2018 is widely regarded as one of the greatest goals ever scored.

In Serie A

Serie A, the top professional league in Italy, has also witnessed some incredible bicycle kicks. Players like Gabriel Batistuta and Marco Van Basten have left audiences in awe with their skill and technique. Van Basten’s bicycle kick goal in the final of the UEFA European Championship in 1988 is considered one of the most memorable moments in football history.

League Notable Players Iconic Bicycle Kick Goals
English Premier League Wayne Rooney, Olivier Giroud Rooney’s goal against Manchester City in 2011
La Liga Cristiano Ronaldo, Zlatan Ibrahimović Ronaldo’s goal against Juventus in 2018
Serie A Gabriel Batistuta, Marco Van Basten Van Basten’s goal in the UEFA European Championship final in 1988

The bicycle kick is a testament to the creativity and athleticism of football players. It is a move that continues to captivate audiences around the world, regardless of the league or players involved.

Memorable Bicycle Kick Goals

Bicycle kicks, also known as overhead kicks, are one of the most spectacular moves in football. Throughout the history of the sport, there have been several iconic bicycle kick goals that have left fans in awe. Here are a few memorable ones:

Cristiano Ronaldo vs Juventus

In 2018, Cristiano Ronaldo stunned the football world with an incredible bicycle kick goal against his current team, Juventus, while still playing for Real Madrid. This goal showcased Ronaldo’s athleticism and technical skill, as he jumped high in the air and executed a perfect bicycle kick to score a goal that even the opposition fans had to applaud.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic vs England

In 2012, Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored one of the greatest goals ever seen in an international match. Playing for Sweden against England, Ibrahimovic scored an acrobatic bicycle kick goal from an improbable angle, lobbing the goalkeeper from around 30 yards out. This goal not only demonstrated Ibrahimovic’s audacity, but also his ability to score from almost any position on the field.

These are just a few examples of the incredible bicycle kick goals that have graced the world of football. Whether it’s Cristiano Ronaldo, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, or any other player, when executed perfectly, the bicycle kick is a thing of beauty that will always be remembered in the history of the sport.

The Bicycle Kick in Football Tactics

Football tactics are constantly evolving, and one of the most iconic moves in the game is the bicycle kick. This acrobatic display of skill and athleticism is a testament to the creativity and innovation of players who have mastered this technique.

The bicycle kick, also known as the scissor kick or overhead kick, was first invented in the early 1900s and has since become an integral part of football strategy. The move involves a player throwing their body into the air and striking the ball with their heel, while simultaneously rotating their body in a scissor-like motion.

This move has multiple benefits in football tactics. Firstly, it allows players to quickly change the direction of the ball and surprise the opposition. Secondly, it can be used to generate a greater amount of power and accuracy in a shot, making it a potent weapon for attackers.

The bicycle kick requires an incredible amount of skill, timing, and physical coordination. It takes years of practice and dedication to perfect this move, which is why only a select few players have been able to execute it successfully in competitive matches.

When used effectively, the bicycle kick can be a game-changing tactic. It can catch the opposition off guard and create scoring opportunities out of seemingly impossible situations. This move has become synonymous with moments of genius and has provided fans with some of the most memorable goals in football history.

In conclusion, the bicycle kick is not just a flashy trick in football – it is a tactical weapon that can turn the tide of a game. The players who have mastered this move have elevated the sport with their creativity and skill, and their contributions will always be remembered.

The Bicycle Kick in Football Skills Competitions

The bicycle kick, also known as an overhead kick or scissors kick, is a spectacular move in football that showcases the acrobatic skills of players. While it is difficult to determine the exact inventor of the bicycle kick, it is believed to have originated in Football in the late 19th or early 20th century.

The bicycle kick involves an airborne player flipping their body backwards, usually with their back to the goal, and striking the ball with an overhead kick motion. The beauty of this move lies in its difficulty and the sheer athleticism required to execute it successfully.

In modern football, the bicycle kick is not only seen in actual matches but also in skills competitions and exhibitions. These events often include freestyle players and tricksters who display an array of breathtaking moves, including the bicycle kick.

The Evolution of Skills Competitions

Skills competitions have become popular in football events around the world. These competitions allow players to showcase their individual talents and entertain the crowd with their extraordinary skills. The bicycle kick is a favorite move among participants and spectators alike.

Football skills competitions often feature different challenges, such as accuracy shooting, dribbling through obstacles, and of course, performing bicycle kicks. Participants are judged on their technique, creativity, and overall execution of the move.

The Showmanship Factor

One of the reasons the bicycle kick is highly favored in skills competitions is its showmanship factor. The move wows the crowd with its acrobatic nature and is often rewarded with loud cheers and applause. It is a move that captures the imagination and adds excitement to any football event.

Competition Year Winner
World Freestyle Football Championship 2019 Leon Walraven
Red Bull Street Style World Finals 2020 Erlend Fagerli
Panna Knock Out World Championship 2018 Andrew Henderson

These competitions allow skilled footballers to showcase their creativity, technical ability, and their mastery of moves like the bicycle kick. It is a testament to the continued popularity and impact of this remarkable move in the world of football.

The Impact of Bicycle Kick on Football Popularity

The bicycle kick is a stunning and acrobatic move that has become one of the most iconic maneuvers in the game of football. While it is difficult to trace back exactly who invented the bicycle kick, there is no denying its significant impact on the popularity of the sport.

Origin of the Bicycle Kick

It is believed that the bicycle kick originated in South America in the early 20th century. However, there is no consensus on who exactly invented this impressive technique. Some credit Leonidas da Silva, a Brazilian forward, for popularizing the bicycle kick during the 1930s. Others claim that the move was first performed by Ramón Unzaga Asla, a Chilean footballer, in the 1910s.

Regardless of its exact origin, the bicycle kick quickly captured the imagination of football enthusiasts around the world. Its combination of athleticism, skill, and theatrical flair made it an instant crowd-pleaser.

Revolutionizing Football

The bicycle kick revolutionized the way football is played and appreciated. Before its emergence, goals were predominantly scored through headers, volleys, or simple shots. The bicycle kick introduced a new level of artistry and creativity to the beautiful game.

Players realized that they could attempt this audacious move in situations where other techniques would be less effective. It became a powerful weapon in the attacking arsenal and allowed players to score goals from seemingly impossible angles or positions.

The popularity of the bicycle kick added a sense of excitement and anticipation to football matches. Spectators eagerly awaited the moment when a player would execute this breathtaking maneuver, and when successful, it often resulted in wild celebrations and standing ovations.

Global Recognition

The bicycle kick’s impact on football’s popularity extended far beyond the field. It became synonymous with the sport itself and captured the attention of fans, media, and advertisers worldwide.

Football stars who could perform the bicycle kick with finesse and precision became instant icons. Their incredible displays of athleticism and skill inspired a new generation of players and fans.

Furthermore, the bicycle kick started appearing in various forms of media, including films, commercials, and highlight reels. Its eye-catching nature and thrilling execution made it a natural choice for capturing the attention of audiences.

In conclusion, although there is no definitive answer as to who invented the bicycle kick, its impact on football’s popularity is undeniable. This acrobatic move revolutionized the game, thrilled fans around the world, and became a symbol of skill, creativity, and artistry in football.

The Future of Bicycle Kick in Football

The bicycle kick is a highly skilled move in football that has been perfected by some of the greatest players in the history of the sport. It is a move that requires incredible athleticism, timing, and coordination. But what does the future hold for the bicycle kick?

Evolution of the Kick

In the coming years, we can expect to see the bicycle kick evolve even further. As technology advances, players will have access to better training methods and equipment that will enhance their ability to perform this spectacular move. We may even see the invention of new techniques and variations of the bicycle kick that have never been seen before.

In addition to technological advancements, the future of the bicycle kick will also be influenced by changes in the game itself. As football continues to evolve, tactics and strategies will change, and players will find new ways to incorporate the bicycle kick into their gameplay. Coaches and trainers will also play a crucial role in developing young players’ skills in executing this move.

The Rise of Acrobatics

One trend that we can expect to see in the future is the rise of acrobatic bicycle kicks. Players will push the boundaries of what is physically possible, incorporating flips, twists, and other acrobatic maneuvers into their kicks. This will not only add a new level of excitement to the game but also showcase the incredible athleticism of football players.

The Role of Who Invented It

While it is still unclear who exactly invented the bicycle kick in football, their influence on the future of the move cannot be underestimated. Understanding the history and origins of the bicycle kick will allow players to build upon the foundations laid by the pioneers of the move. It is through this knowledge that players can continue to innovate and take the bicycle kick to new heights.

The future of the bicycle kick in football is bright. As technology advances and players continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, we can expect to see the bicycle kick become even more spectacular and awe-inspiring. Who knows, in the years to come, the bicycle kick may become one of the most iconic moves in the game of football.

Questions and answers:

Who is credited with inventing the bicycle kick in football?

The bicycle kick in football is not credited to a specific individual. It is a skill that has been developed and performed by many players throughout the history of the sport.

When was the first bicycle kick performed in a football match?

The exact date of the first bicycle kick being performed in a football match is unknown. However, the move has been seen in matches dating back to the early 20th century.

Which famous football player popularized the bicycle kick?

There have been many famous football players who popularized the bicycle kick, but one of the most notable is Pelé. His acrobatic bicycle kick goal in the 1970 World Cup is widely considered one of the greatest goals in the history of the sport.

What is the technique for performing a bicycle kick in football?

The technique for performing a bicycle kick in football involves a player jumping up in the air, arching their back, and propelling themselves forward with their non-kicking leg while simultaneously striking the ball with their kicking leg. It requires excellent coordination, timing, and athleticism.

Are there any risks or dangers associated with attempting a bicycle kick in football?

Yes, attempting a bicycle kick in football can be risky and potentially dangerous. Players risk colliding with opponents, landing awkwardly, or injuring themselves if they do not execute the move correctly. It is a high-risk, high-reward maneuver that should only be attempted by skilled and experienced players.

Who is credited with inventing the bicycle kick in football?

The credit for inventing the bicycle kick in football is generally given to the Argentine footballer Leônidas da Silva. He first performed this acrobatic move during a match in the 1930s, and it quickly gained popularity among players and fans around the world.

When was the bicycle kick invented?

The bicycle kick was invented in the 1930s by the Argentine footballer Leônidas da Silva. He first showcased this stunning move during a match, and it has since become one of the most iconic and admired techniques in football.

Has the bicycle kick always been a part of football?

No, the bicycle kick has not always been a part of football. It was popularized and introduced to the game by the Argentine footballer Leônidas da Silva in the 1930s. Since then, it has become a widely used and appreciated technique among players, and has been performed by many notable football stars in various matches and tournaments.