
Does Natural Cycles Really Work? Reviews, Experiences, and Opinions from Reddit Users

Natural cycles, a popular fertility tracking app, has gained significant attention in recent years. Many women who are looking for a natural method of contraception or trying to conceive have turned to this app to help them track their menstrual cycles and determine their fertile days. But does it really work? To find out, we turned to Reddit, a popular online forum where users share their experiences and opinions.

Reddit users have mixed opinions on the effectiveness of Natural Cycles. Some users claim that the app has helped them successfully prevent pregnancies by accurately predicting their fertile days. They praise the app for being easy to use and providing helpful insights into their menstrual cycles. These users believe that Natural Cycles offers a reliable and effective method of contraception.

On the other hand, there are users who express doubts about the app’s effectiveness. They report instances of unplanned pregnancies while using Natural Cycles, which have led them to question the reliability of the app’s algorithms. Some users argue that the effectiveness of Natural Cycles heavily relies on a user’s commitment to accurately inputting information about their menstrual cycles. In cases where users fail to consistently track their cycles or make mistakes in data entry, the app may not provide accurate predictions.

What is Natural Cycles?

Natural Cycles is a popular fertility tracking app that uses data about a woman’s menstrual cycle to determine her fertility status. It works by relying on a woman’s basal body temperature and other menstrual cycle data to predict when she is most likely to conceive or avoid pregnancy.

According to Reddit users, Natural Cycles has gained a significant following among women who are looking for natural and hormone-free birth control methods. Many users appreciate the convenience of using an app to track their cycles and monitor their fertility status.

How does Natural Cycles Work?

When using Natural Cycles, a woman must input her daily temperature using a basal thermometer, as well as other relevant data such as period start and end dates. The app then analyzes this information to identify the fertile and non-fertile phases of her cycle.

The app uses an algorithm to calculate a woman’s daily fertility status, indicating whether it is safe to have unprotected intercourse or if additional contraceptive methods should be used. It can also provide predictions about upcoming fertile days, helping women plan or avoid sexual activity accordingly.

Note: It is important to note that Natural Cycles is not 100% effective and should not be relied upon as the sole form of birth control. Multiple factors can impact the accuracy of the app, such as irregular cycles and external factors like stress or illness.

Reddit User Experiences with Natural Cycles

“I’ve been using Natural Cycles for several months now, and it has been really helpful in understanding my menstrual cycle and fertility. I appreciate that it doesn’t involve hormones or invasive methods like IUDs.” – Reddit user A

“While Natural Cycles has worked well for me, I think it’s important to remember that it’s not foolproof. I still use condoms during my fertile days, just to be safe.” – Reddit user B

“I found that Natural Cycles wasn’t as accurate for me due to my irregular cycle. It’s still a useful tool for tracking, but I wouldn’t solely rely on it for birth control.” – Reddit user C

How does Natural Cycles work?

Natural Cycles is a contraceptive method that relies on tracking a woman’s menstrual cycle to determine her fertility. Many Reddit users have shared their experiences and insights about how Natural Cycles works for them.

Here are the key points about how Natural Cycles works:

1. Tracking Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

One of the main components of Natural Cycles is the daily tracking of basal body temperature (BBT). Reddit users mention that by measuring BBT every morning before getting out of bed, the app can detect the small change in temperature that occurs after ovulation.

2. Predicting Fertility Status

Based on the patterns in the BBT measurements, the Natural Cycles app uses an algorithm to predict a woman’s fertility status. It categorizes the days as green (non-fertile), red (fertile), or yellow (uncertain).

3. Menstrual Cycle Regularity

For accurate predictions, Natural Cycles requires users to have regular menstrual cycles. Reddit users mention that irregular cycles can make the app’s predictions less reliable.

4. Additional Factors

Some users mention that Natural Cycles also takes into account other factors such as menstrual symptoms, cervical mucus consistency, and LH hormone tests to provide more accurate predictions.

5. Effectiveness

While Natural Cycles can be effective when used correctly, it’s important to note that no contraceptive method is 100% foolproof. Some Reddit users mention that they combine Natural Cycles with other contraceptive methods to enhance its effectiveness.

In conclusion, Natural Cycles works by tracking basal body temperature and using an algorithm to predict a woman’s fertility status. It requires regular menstrual cycles and can be complemented by other contraceptive methods for added effectiveness.

Is Natural Cycles safe?

When it comes to the safety of Natural Cycles, opinions on Reddit vary. Some users have reported positive experiences with the app and believe that it is a safe and effective form of contraception. They appreciate the natural and non-invasive nature of the method, as well as the ability to track their cycles and fertility in a convenient way.

However, there are also Reddit users who question the safety and reliability of Natural Cycles. Some argue that relying solely on an app for contraception may not be a foolproof method, as there is always a possibility of human error or technical glitches. They emphasize the importance of using backup contraception and consulting with a healthcare provider for guidance.

It is important to note that Natural Cycles has undergone clinical trials and has been certified as a contraceptive method in Europe. However, like any contraceptive method, it is not 100% effective and may not work for everyone. Users should carefully consider their individual needs and preferences before deciding to rely on Natural Cycles as their primary form of contraception.

Consulting healthcare provider for personalized advice

If you are considering using Natural Cycles, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice. They can help you understand the potential risks, benefits, and limitations of the app based on your specific health circumstances.

Importance of using backup contraception

Regardless of your decision to use Natural Cycles, it is important to always have a backup contraception method in place. This is especially crucial if avoiding an unintended pregnancy is a top priority for you.

In conclusion, while some Reddit users believe Natural Cycles is a safe and effective method, others express concerns and encourage additional precautions. It is ultimately up to each individual to evaluate the benefits and risks and make an informed decision about whether Natural Cycles is the right choice for them.

Effectiveness of Natural Cycles

Reddit users have shared their experiences and opinions on the effectiveness of using Natural Cycles as a contraceptive method. Many users have reported positive results, stating that the app accurately predicted their fertile and infertile days.

Some users mentioned that they have been using Natural Cycles for several years without any unplanned pregnancies. They attribute the success to diligently tracking their temperature and other fertility indicators as instructed by the app.

However, it is important to note that fertility tracking methods like Natural Cycles may not work for everyone. Users have cautioned that it requires strict adherence to the instructions and diligent monitoring. Some users have reported instances where the app failed to accurately predict fertility, resulting in an unplanned pregnancy.

Factors influencing effectiveness

Reddit discussions also highlighted various factors that can influence the effectiveness of Natural Cycles. These factors include:

  • Consistency in recording temperature and fertility indicators
  • Regular and predictable menstrual cycles
  • Commitment to abstain or use other contraceptive methods during fertile days
  • Understanding the limitations and potential risks of fertility tracking

Individual experiences and effectiveness

Each person’s experience with Natural Cycles may vary, and the effectiveness of the method can depend on several personal factors. It is crucial to consider individual circumstances and consult with healthcare professionals before solely relying on Natural Cycles as a contraceptive method.

User experiences with Natural Cycles

Many users of the Natural Cycles app have shared their experiences on the popular platform Reddit. The discussions on Reddit provide valuable insights into how well the app works for different individuals.

Positive experiences

  • Some users on Reddit have reported that Natural Cycles has been an effective method of contraception for them. They have successfully avoided unwanted pregnancies by following the app’s instructions.
  • One user mentioned that they found the app to be easy to use and appreciated the convenience of being able to track their cycles and fertility from their smartphone.
  • Others have praised the app for its accuracy in predicting fertile days, especially for those who have irregular cycles.

Negative experiences

  • On the other hand, there have been users who have expressed dissatisfaction with Natural Cycles. Some have reported instances where the app failed to accurately predict ovulation, resulting in unintended pregnancies.
  • There were also complaints about the inconvenience of having to take the temperature every morning and the strict requirement of inputting data consistently for accurate predictions.
  • Additionally, a few users expressed concerns about the app’s algorithm and its reliability in determining fertility.

Overall, the experiences shared by users on Reddit regarding Natural Cycles vary. While some have found it to be a reliable method, others have encountered issues that question its effectiveness. It is important for individuals to thoroughly research and consider their own unique circumstances before relying solely on the app for contraception.

Positive feedback from Reddit users

Many Reddit users have expressed positive opinions about Natural Cycles and its effectiveness as a contraceptive method. According to the discussions on Reddit, some users believe that Natural Cycles provides a reliable and natural option for family planning.

Several users mentioned that they have successfully used Natural Cycles to prevent pregnancy and have found it to be effective in tracking their menstrual cycles and identifying fertile and non-fertile days. They appreciate the convenience of using a mobile app for fertility tracking.

Some Reddit users also highlighted the benefits of Natural Cycles in terms of its hormone-free approach. They appreciate that it doesn’t involve the use of hormonal contraceptives, which can have potential side effects for some individuals. They view Natural Cycles as a non-invasive and natural alternative.

Overall, the positive feedback from Reddit users suggests that Natural Cycles has been beneficial for many in terms of its effectiveness as a contraceptive method and its user-friendly approach to fertility tracking.

Sources: Reddit discussions on Natural Cycles
Keywords: reddit, natural cycles

Negative feedback from Reddit users

While Natural Cycles claims to be an effective natural birth control method, users on Reddit have expressed their concerns and negative experiences with the app. Many users have shared their stories and frustrations, highlighting several issues with the app that have raised doubts about its effectiveness.

Inaccurate predictions and calculations

Several Reddit users have reported that the predictions and calculations provided by Natural Cycles were often inaccurate. This inaccuracy has led to unwanted pregnancies for some users, causing frustration and disappointment.

One user shared, “The app claimed to accurately predict my fertile days, but I ended up getting pregnant despite following the instructions properly. It was a big shock and disappointment for me.” This anecdote, along with similar stories from other users, raises questions about the reliability of Natural Cycles.

Confusing instructions and lack of clarity

Another common complaint among Reddit users is the confusing and unclear instructions provided by the app. Many users have expressed their difficulties in understanding how to accurately track their fertility using Natural Cycles.

One user stated, “The instructions were so confusing that I couldn’t confidently identify my fertile days. It was frustrating and made me question the effectiveness of the app.” This lack of clarity has led to users feeling uncertain and skeptical about the app’s ability to accurately predict fertility.

It is important to note that Reddit users’ feedback on Natural Cycles may not necessarily reflect the overall effectiveness of the app. However, the negative experiences shared by users highlight the need for further research and investigation into the app’s claims.

Accuracy of Natural Cycles

When it comes to the accuracy of Natural Cycles, Reddit users have shared their experiences and opinions. Some users report that the app does accurately predict their fertility cycles, providing reliable information for family planning.

Many users appreciate the natural and non-invasive approach of Natural Cycles compared to other contraceptive methods. They believe that tracking their cycles and using Natural Cycles as instructed can be effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies.

However, it is important to note that there are also Reddit users who have expressed concerns about the accuracy of Natural Cycles. Some users claim that they experienced unexpected and unplanned pregnancies while using the app.

Positive Experiences

Several Reddit users have reported positive experiences with Natural Cycles. They highlight that the app accurately predicted their fertile and infertile days, leading to successful family planning. These users emphasize that following the instructions and using additional methods when necessary can increase the effectiveness of Natural Cycles.

Users appreciate that Natural Cycles takes into account factors such as temperature measurements and menstrual data to provide personalized predictions. This data-driven approach adds to the perceived accuracy of the app.

Concerns about Accuracy

While Natural Cycles has a community of satisfied users, some Reddit users have raised concerns about the app’s accuracy. These users claim that they experienced unexpected pregnancies despite using the app correctly and following the given instructions.

It is important to consider that individual factors can affect the accuracy of any contraceptive method, including Natural Cycles. Factors such as irregular cycles, incorrect temperature measurements, or missing data can impact the effectiveness of cycle tracking in general.

Overall, the accuracy of Natural Cycles is a topic of debate among Reddit users. While some report positive experiences and successful family planning, others raise concerns about unexpected pregnancies. Like any method, it is recommended to use Natural Cycles cautiously and consider additional contraceptive methods when necessary.

Natural Cycles and hormonal contraception

In the discussions on Reddit, many users express their opinions and experiences with Natural Cycles and other forms of hormonal contraception. It is important to note that these opinions are diverse and may not reflect the overall effectiveness of the method.

Some Reddit users report that Natural Cycles has worked well for them and they find it to be an effective form of contraception. They appreciate the natural approach and the ability to track their menstrual cycles using technology. However, it is worth mentioning that these positive experiences may not be representative of the general population.

Others on Reddit share their concerns and criticisms about Natural Cycles. They point out the potential for human error in tracking and interpreting the data, highlighting the importance of consistently using additional contraception methods such as condoms. Some users also mention the lack of long-term studies on the effectiveness and safety of Natural Cycles.

The Comparison with Other Hormonal Contraception Methods

Among the discussions on Reddit, users frequently compare Natural Cycles with other forms of hormonal contraception. Some argue that Natural Cycles is more reliable and does not have the side effects often associated with hormonal birth control pills or IUDs. They appreciate the non-invasive nature of Natural Cycles and the ability to avoid synthetic hormones.

However, other users express concerns about the effectiveness of Natural Cycles in comparison to other hormonal contraception methods. They point out the higher risk of user error and the need for consistent and accurate tracking. These users highlight the importance of discussing contraceptive options with healthcare professionals to find the most suitable method.

Ultimately, the discussions on Reddit provide a range of perspectives on Natural Cycles and its effectiveness as a form of hormonal contraception. It is important for individuals to carefully consider their own needs and consult with healthcare providers for personalized advice.

Natural Cycles and fertility tracking

Fertility tracking is a natural and effective method of family planning that has been used for centuries. With the advancement of technology, the use of apps like Natural Cycles has made fertility tracking more accessible and convenient.

Natural Cycles is a popular app that uses the body’s natural signs to determine a woman’s fertility status. By tracking factors such as basal body temperature and menstrual cycle, the app calculates the fertile and non-fertile days of a woman’s cycle.

The effectiveness of Natural Cycles in preventing pregnancy has been a topic of discussion among Reddit users. Many users report successful and accurate results, stating that the app has helped them conceive or avoid pregnancy when desired.

While Natural Cycles may not be suitable for everyone, it has proven to work for many women who are looking for a natural and non-hormonal method of birth control. The app provides detailed insights and personalized information, empowering women to take control of their fertility.

It is important to note that Natural Cycles should not be solely relied upon as a contraceptive method and it is recommended to use additional protection during fertile days if pregnancy prevention is desired.

In conclusion, Natural Cycles and fertility tracking offer a natural and empowering approach to family planning. While it may not work for everyone, many women have found success with the app, making it a valuable tool for those looking for a non-hormonal method of birth control.

Natural Cycles as a contraceptive method

Natural Cycles is a method of contraception that relies on a woman’s natural menstrual cycle. It involves tracking and monitoring various fertility indicators, such as basal body temperature and cervical mucus, to determine the fertile and non-fertile periods of a woman’s cycle.

Many women are drawn to Natural Cycles because it is a natural and hormone-free approach to contraception. The method is based on the understanding that a woman is only fertile for a few days each menstrual cycle, and it aims to identify and avoid these fertile days to prevent pregnancy.

However, it is important to note that Natural Cycles may not work effectively for all women. The method requires a high level of commitment and diligence in tracking and monitoring fertility indicators. Any errors or inconsistencies in the tracking process can lead to inaccurate predictions of fertility, increasing the risk of unintended pregnancy.

Some Reddit users have shared their experiences with Natural Cycles as a contraceptive method. While some women have reported success in using the method, others have expressed concerns about its reliability and effectiveness. It is important for individuals considering Natural Cycles to research and understand the method thoroughly before making a decision.

Key considerations when using Natural Cycles:

1. Commitment to regular tracking: To use Natural Cycles effectively, women must be committed to consistently tracking their fertility indicators and inputting the data into the app.

2. Variability of menstrual cycles: Natural Cycles may be less effective for women with irregular menstrual cycles, as it relies on predictability and consistency in cycle length.

3. Additional form of contraception: Some users recommend using Natural Cycles in conjunction with another form of contraception, such as condoms, to further minimize the risk of unintended pregnancy.

In conclusion, Natural Cycles offers a natural and hormone-free approach to contraception. However, its effectiveness may vary depending on individual factors such as commitment to tracking and the regularity of menstrual cycles. It is important to consider these factors and consult with healthcare professionals before relying solely on Natural Cycles as a contraceptive method.

Reviews of Natural Cycles on Reddit

Reddit is a popular platform where users can discuss various topics, including the effectiveness of Natural Cycles. Many individuals have shared their experiences and opinions about using this fertility tracking app. Here are some insights gathered from Reddit:

Positive Reviews

1. Success stories: Several users on Reddit have shared their success stories of using Natural Cycles as a contraceptive method. They have reported that the app accurately predicted their fertile and non-fertile days, helping them to effectively prevent pregnancy. These users expressed satisfaction with the app’s user-friendly interface and ease of use.

2. Effective natural family planning: Some Reddit users have praised Natural Cycles for providing a reliable method of natural family planning. They mentioned that the app allowed them to track their menstrual cycles, identify ovulation days, and plan or avoid pregnancy accordingly. These users appreciated the app’s ability to empower them with knowledge about their own bodies.

Negative Reviews

1. Inconsistent predictions: A few Reddit users have expressed dissatisfaction with Natural Cycles’ predictions, claiming that the app sometimes failed to accurately determine their fertility status. These users reported instances where they experienced unexpected ovulation or inaccurate fertile window calculations, leading to unplanned pregnancies or difficulties in conceiving.

2. Technical issues: Some users encountered technical issues with the app, such as syncing problems, slow performance, or crashes. They mentioned that these issues affected their overall user experience and reliability of the app.

In conclusion, the reviews of Natural Cycles on Reddit are mixed, with both positive and negative experiences shared by users. While some users found the app to be effective in tracking fertility and preventing pregnancy, others expressed concerns about inconsistent predictions and technical issues. It is important to keep in mind that individual experiences may vary, and consulting with healthcare professionals is always recommended when considering any contraceptive method.

Advice from Reddit users about Natural Cycles

Reddit users who have tried Natural Cycles have shared their experiences and insights, providing valuable advice for those considering using this method of contraception. Here are some key takeaways:

1. Understanding your cycles

Many Reddit users emphasized the importance of thoroughly understanding your menstrual cycles before relying solely on Natural Cycles as a contraceptive method. They recommended tracking your cycles for several months to establish a pattern and determine your most fertile days.

2. Consistency is key

Consistency in tracking and recording data is crucial for the accuracy of Natural Cycles. Users advised diligently inputting your daily temperature and other relevant data to ensure the app can effectively determine your fertility status.

3. Seek additional backup methods

Several Reddit users recommended using additional backup methods of contraception, especially during the learning phase of using Natural Cycles. They suggested combining Natural Cycles with condoms or other barrier methods to minimize the risk of unintended pregnancy.

4. Be patient with the app

Some users mentioned that Natural Cycles may take time to accurately predict your fertile days, especially if your cycles are irregular. It is important to be patient and allow the app to adjust and learn from your data over time.

5. Consult with a healthcare professional

While Reddit can provide helpful insights, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure Natural Cycles is suitable for your specific circumstances. They can provide personalized advice and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Remember, every individual’s experience with Natural Cycles may vary, so it’s always a good idea to do thorough research, gather different perspectives, and make an informed decision that aligns with your personal health and contraceptive needs.

Common misconceptions about Natural Cycles

Reddit is a popular platform for discussions among users from various backgrounds. When it comes to Natural Cycles, there are several misconceptions that often arise in these discussions. Let’s address some of these misconceptions:

1. Natural Cycles doesn’t work

One common misconception about Natural Cycles is that it doesn’t work. However, this is not entirely accurate. Natural Cycles is a fertility tracking app that uses a combination of basal body temperature and menstrual cycle data to determine a woman’s fertile and non-fertile days. While it may not be 100% effective, no contraceptive method is. It’s important to understand that using Natural Cycles requires precise tracking and following the instructions provided.

2. Natural Cycles is just another menstrual cycle app

Another misconception is that Natural Cycles is simply another menstrual cycle app. While it does provide tools to track menstrual cycles, it goes beyond that by offering a certified contraceptive method. Natural Cycles is the first and only app to be cleared by the FDA as a contraceptive method. It has undergone rigorous scientific studies to demonstrate its effectiveness in preventing pregnancy.

It’s important to dispel these misconceptions and understand the true nature of Natural Cycles. While no contraceptive method is perfect, Natural Cycles provides an option for those who prefer a non-hormonal and non-invasive approach to contraception.

Alternatives to Natural Cycles

As mentioned on the Reddit platform, there are several alternative methods to natural cycles that users have found effective. While Natural Cycles may work for some individuals, it may not be suitable for everyone. Here are some alternatives that are worth considering:

  • Fertility Awareness Method (FAM): This method involves tracking and monitoring changes in basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and other fertility signs to determine the fertile and infertile days of a woman’s menstrual cycle.
  • Standard Days Method (SDM): This method relies on the menstrual cycle being regular and involves avoiding intercourse during the fertile window, which is typically between days 8 and 19 of the cycle.
  • Symptothermal Method: This method combines various fertility signs, such as basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and cervix position, to determine fertility status.
  • Condoms: Condoms are a widely used form of contraception that provide protection against both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  • Birth Control Pills: Oral contraceptive pills contain hormones that prevent ovulation and thicken cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to reach the egg.
  • IUD (Intrauterine Device): An IUD is a small device inserted into the uterus by a healthcare provider, which provides long-term contraception.

It is important to note that every individual is different and what works for one person may not work for another. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most suitable contraceptive method based on individual needs and preferences.

Questions and answers:

What is Natural Cycles?

Natural Cycles is a widely discussed fertility tracking app that uses a woman’s temperature readings to determine her fertility status.

How effective is Natural Cycles?

Natural Cycles claims to have a typical-use effectiveness rate of 93%, but the effectiveness can vary depending on factors such as user error and irregular cycles.

Why do some users on Reddit believe that Natural Cycles is not effective?

Some Reddit users believe that Natural Cycles is not effective because they have experienced pregnancies while using the app correctly, or because they have found the app’s predictions to be inaccurate.

What are some common criticisms of Natural Cycles mentioned by Reddit users?

Some common criticisms mentioned by Reddit users include: unreliable predictions, difficulty interpreting temperature readings, lack of alerts for high fertility days, and the app’s failure to detect pregnancy that is already in progress.

Are any Reddit users satisfied with Natural Cycles?

Yes, there are some Reddit users who are satisfied with Natural Cycles and have found it to be effective as a contraceptive method. They believe that when used correctly and consistently, the app can be reliable.