
Can Cycling Cause or Worsen High Hamstring Tendinopathy? Exploring the Impact of Cycling on Hamstring Health

High hamstring tendinopathy is a common injury that affects the hamstring muscles in the pelvis. It can cause pain, discomfort, and limited mobility in the affected area. For individuals who enjoy cycling, this injury can be particularly frustrating as it may impact their ability to participate in their favorite activity.

However, the good news is that in many cases, individuals with high hamstring tendinopathy can continue cycling with proper precautions and modifications to their routine.

When cycling with high hamstring tendinopathy, it is important to listen to your body and avoid pushing through any pain or discomfort. It may be necessary to reduce the intensity and duration of your rides, as well as modify your cycling position to alleviate pressure on the affected area.

Additionally, incorporating specific exercises to strengthen and stretch the hamstring muscles can help support the healing process and prevent further injury. It is best to consult with a healthcare professional or physical therapist to develop a personalized exercise program that suits your specific needs and goals.

In conclusion, cycling with high hamstring tendinopathy is possible with proper care and modifications. By listening to your body, making necessary adjustments to your routine, and incorporating targeted exercises, you can continue enjoying the activity you love while promoting healing and preventing further injury.

Understanding High Hamstring Tendinopathy

High hamstring tendinopathy is a common injury that affects the hamstring muscles located high up on the back of the thigh. It is characterized by pain and inflammation in the area where the hamstring tendons attach to the ischial tuberosity, also known as the sitting bone.

This condition is often caused by repetitive strain and overuse of the hamstring muscles, such as cycling, running, or any activity that involves a lot of jumping or sprinting. Athletes and individuals who engage in these types of activities are particularly prone to developing high hamstring tendinopathy.

The symptoms of high hamstring tendinopathy include pain in the buttock region, especially when sitting or bending over, as well as pain during activities that involve stretching or contracting the hamstring muscles. The pain may also radiate down the back of the leg.

To properly diagnose high hamstring tendinopathy, a thorough physical examination and possibly imaging tests, such as an MRI, may be required. Treatment options will depend on the severity of the injury, but often include a combination of rest, ice, physical therapy exercises, and anti-inflammatory medications.

Prevention and Rehabilitation

Preventing high hamstring tendinopathy involves proper warm-up and stretching exercises before engaging in any physical activity that puts stress on the hamstrings. Maintaining a balance between strengthening and stretching exercises for the hamstrings and surrounding muscles is also essential in preventing this condition.

When rehabilitating from high hamstring tendinopathy, it is important to focus on strengthening the hamstring muscles gradually, while avoiding any activities that may aggravate the injury. Working with a qualified physical therapist can provide guidance on a tailored rehabilitation program to effectively manage and prevent future flare-ups.

Overall, understanding high hamstring tendinopathy and taking necessary precautions can help individuals prevent and manage this common hamstring injury effectively. With proper treatment and rehabilitation, individuals can often return to their normal activities without significant limitations or pain.

Causes of High Hamstring Tendinopathy

The high hamstring tendinopathy is a condition that affects the tendons located in the upper region of the hamstring muscles. This condition can cause pain and discomfort, making it difficult for individuals to perform activities such as cycling.

There are several factors that can contribute to the development of high hamstring tendinopathy. These include:

Overuse: Engaging in repetitive activities that strain the hamstring muscles, such as cycling, can lead to overuse and subsequent tendinopathy.
Weak gluteal muscles: When the gluteal muscles are weak, the hamstrings may be required to work harder to compensate. This increased workload can lead to overuse and the development of tendinopathy.
Imbalance in muscle strength: If there is an imbalance in the strength between the hamstrings and other muscles in the legs, it can place additional stress on the tendons and lead to tendinopathy.
Poor biomechanics: Incorrect movement patterns or poor body mechanics while cycling can place excessive strain on the hamstrings, leading to tendinopathy over time.
Lack of flexibility: Tight muscles and a lack of flexibility can increase the risk of developing tendinopathy in the high hamstring region.

It is important to address the underlying causes of high hamstring tendinopathy in order to prevent its development or recurrence. This may involve changes in training routines, strengthening of weak muscles, improving flexibility, and maintaining proper body mechanics during activities such as cycling.

Symptoms of High Hamstring Tendinopathy

High hamstring tendinopathy is a common injury that can affect cyclists. It is characterized by pain and discomfort in the upper part of the hamstring, near the base of the buttocks.

The symptoms of high hamstring tendinopathy can vary from person to person, but some common signs include:

  • Pain: Cycling with high hamstring tendinopathy can cause a dull or sharp pain in the upper hamstring area. The pain may worsen during or after cycling.
  • Tenderness: The affected area may feel tender to the touch, especially when pressure is applied.
  • Stiffness: High hamstring tendinopathy can cause stiffness and limited range of motion in the hip and hamstring muscles.
  • Weakness: Some individuals with high hamstring tendinopathy may experience weakness in the affected leg, making it difficult to pedal or generate power while cycling.
  • Swelling: In some cases, swelling and inflammation may be present in the upper hamstring area.
  • Difficulty sitting: High hamstring tendinopathy can make sitting or prolonged periods of sitting uncomfortable.

If you are experiencing these symptoms while cycling, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

Note: It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before continuing cycling or engaging in any physical activities while experiencing high hamstring tendinopathy symptoms.

Diagnosis of High Hamstring Tendinopathy

High hamstring tendinopathy is a condition that affects the tendons of the hamstring muscles, which are located at the back of the thigh. It is characterized by pain and tenderness in the upper part of the hamstrings, near the sitting bone or ischial tuberosity.

Diagnosing high hamstring tendinopathy can be challenging, as the symptoms can often be similar to other conditions affecting the hip or gluteal region. However, a thorough physical examination and medical history can help in determining the specific cause of the pain.

During the physical examination, a healthcare professional will assess the range of motion of the hip and the strength of the muscles surrounding the hip joint. They may also perform certain tests, such as the Noble compression test or the resisted knee flexion test, to evaluate the integrity of the hamstring tendons.

In addition to the physical examination, imaging tests, such as an MRI or ultrasound, may be ordered to visualize the soft tissues and identify any structural abnormalities or degeneration in the high hamstring tendons.

It is important to note that a proper diagnosis of high hamstring tendinopathy should be made by a qualified healthcare professional, such as a sports medicine physician or an orthopedic specialist. This will ensure that an accurate treatment plan can be developed to address the specific needs of the individual.

Signs and Symptoms Differential Diagnosis
Pain and tenderness in the high hamstring area Ischial tuberosity bursitis
Pain worsens with activities involving hip extension and knee flexion Piriformis syndrome
Weakness or difficulty with activities such as running or climbing stairs Gluteal tendinopathy
May experience pain during sitting or while transitioning from sitting to standing Sciatica

Treatment Options for High Hamstring Tendinopathy

Tendinopathy is a condition that affects the tendons, causing pain and discomfort. High hamstring tendinopathy specifically refers to an injury or inflammation of the tendons in the high hamstring region.

Rest and Ice

One of the first treatment options for high hamstring tendinopathy is rest. It is important to avoid activities that aggravate the condition, such as cycling, in order to allow the tendons to heal. Applying ice to the affected area can also help reduce pain and inflammation.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is often recommended for high hamstring tendinopathy. A physical therapist can provide specific exercises and stretches to strengthen the hamstring muscles and improve flexibility. They may also use techniques such as massage and ultrasound to promote healing.


Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help reduce pain and inflammation associated with high hamstring tendinopathy. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any medication to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your specific condition.

Steroid Injections

In some cases, corticosteroid injections may be recommended to help reduce pain and inflammation in the high hamstring area. These injections should only be administered by a healthcare professional and are typically used as a last resort if other treatment options have been ineffective.

Proper Technique and Equipment

When returning to cycling or any other physical activity, it is important to ensure proper technique and equipment to avoid exacerbating high hamstring tendinopathy. Proper bike fit, using a seat with good cushioning and padding, and avoiding excessive strain on the hamstrings can help prevent further injury.

In conclusion, high hamstring tendinopathy can be a debilitating condition that affects the ability to cycle. However, with the appropriate treatment options and precautions, individuals can manage the symptoms and gradually return to their desired level of physical activity.

Benefits of Cycling for High Hamstring Tendinopathy

High hamstring tendinopathy is a common injury that affects the muscles and tendons in the upper part of the back of the thigh. It can cause pain, swelling, and discomfort, making it difficult to engage in physical activities. However, one activity that can be beneficial for individuals with high hamstring tendinopathy is cycling.

Cycling is a low-impact exercise that places minimal stress on the hamstrings while still providing a cardiovascular workout. This is particularly important for individuals with high hamstring tendinopathy, as high-impact activities can aggravate the condition and prolong the healing process.

Here are some of the benefits of cycling for high hamstring tendinopathy:

Low impact: Cycling is a non-weight-bearing exercise, meaning it does not put excessive strain on the hamstrings. This can help reduce pain and inflammation in the injured area, allowing for a more comfortable and effective workout.
Increased blood flow: Cycling promotes increased blood flow to the injured hamstring tendons, which can aid in the healing process. The improved circulation helps deliver essential nutrients and oxygen to the affected area, accelerating recovery.
Strengthening: Regular cycling can help strengthen the muscles surrounding the hamstrings, providing added support and stability to the injured tendons. This can help prevent further injury and improve overall function.
Cardiovascular fitness: Cycling is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness without placing excessive strain on the hamstring muscles. It can help increase endurance and stamina, allowing individuals to gradually return to their regular exercise routine.
Low barrier to entry: Cycling can be easily adapted to suit individual fitness levels and preferences. It can be done indoors on a stationary bike or outdoors on various terrains. This flexibility makes it accessible to individuals at different stages of their recovery.

It is important to note that individuals with high hamstring tendinopathy should consult with a healthcare professional before starting or resuming a cycling routine. They can provide guidance on appropriate intensity, duration, and frequency of cycling sessions, as well as any modifications or precautions that may be necessary.

In conclusion, cycling can be a beneficial exercise for individuals with high hamstring tendinopathy. It offers a low-impact cardiovascular workout, promotes increased blood flow, strengthens the surrounding muscles, improves cardiovascular fitness, and has a low barrier to entry. However, it is essential to seek professional advice and gradually increase the intensity of the cycling routine to ensure a safe and effective recovery.

Precautions to Take While Cycling with High Hamstring Tendinopathy

If you have high hamstring tendinopathy, it is important to take certain precautions while cycling to avoid worsening your condition and promote healing. Here are some recommendations to keep in mind:

1. Modify your bike setup:

Make sure your bike is properly adjusted to minimize strain on your hamstrings. Consider adjusting the seat height, fore-aft position, and handlebar position to achieve a more neutral riding posture. This can help reduce stress on the injured tendons.

2. Warm up properly:

Before each cycling session, it is essential to warm up your muscles and tendons to increase their flexibility and reduce the risk of further injury. Perform dynamic stretches targeting your hamstrings, such as leg swings and high knees, to prepare your body for the exercise.

3. Start with low resistance:

When cycling with high hamstring tendinopathy, it is recommended to start with low resistance levels. This allows you to gradually build strength and flexibility without aggravating the injury. As your symptoms improve, you can gradually increase the resistance to challenge your muscles further.

4. Avoid sudden or intense sprints:

Avoid sudden bursts of speed or intense sprints, as they can put excessive strain on your hamstrings. Instead, focus on maintaining a steady pace and gradually increase your speed and intensity over time.

5. Listen to your body:

Pay close attention to any pain or discomfort during cycling. If you experience increased pain or a worsening of symptoms, it is important to stop cycling and rest. Pushing through the pain can lead to further damage and delay the healing process.

6. Incorporate cross-training and rest days:

While cycling can be a low-impact exercise, it is still important to give your hamstrings time to rest and recover. Consider incorporating cross-training activities, such as swimming or yoga, to maintain overall fitness while giving your injured tendons a break. Additionally, make sure to include rest days in your training schedule to allow for proper recovery.

7. Seek professional advice:

If you are unsure about how to safely cycle with high hamstring tendinopathy or if your symptoms are not improving, it is recommended to seek professional advice from a sports medicine specialist or physical therapist. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific condition and help you design a cycling program that promotes healing.

Remember, cycling with high hamstring tendinopathy should be approached with caution. By taking these precautions and listening to your body, you can continue to enjoy cycling while promoting healing and reducing the risk of further injury.

Best Practices for Cycling with High Hamstring Tendinopathy

When it comes to cycling with high hamstring tendinopathy, there are several best practices that can help you manage your condition and continue enjoying your favorite activity. By following these guidelines, you can minimize discomfort and reduce the risk of further injury.

1. Proper bike fit: Ensuring that your bike is properly fitted to your body can make a significant difference in reducing stress on your high hamstring tendon. Consult a professional bike fitter to adjust your bike’s saddle height, handlebar position, and overall bike geometry to accommodate your condition.

2. Warm-up and cool-down: Prior to each cycling session, perform a thorough warm-up routine that includes dynamic stretches and exercises to activate the muscles surrounding your high hamstring. Also, incorporate a gentle cool-down routine at the end of your ride to promote blood circulation and aid in recovery.

3. Gradual progression: If you’re dealing with high hamstring tendinopathy, it’s important to gradually increase your training load and mileage. Avoid sudden spikes in intensity or duration, as this can place excessive strain on your tendons and exacerbate your condition. Instead, gradually build up your cycling volume over time.

4. Vary your terrain: Mixing up your cycling routes and terrain can help distribute the load on your high hamstring tendon more evenly. Incorporate flat roads, hills, and occasionally off-road trails to prevent overuse and reduce repetitive stress on the tendon.

5. Proper pedaling technique: Focus on maintaining smooth and efficient pedaling technique. Pedal in a circular motion, applying equal pressure on both upstrokes and downstrokes. This can help distribute the workload across different muscle groups and reduce strain on your high hamstring tendon.
6. Strength and flexibility training: Include exercises that target the muscles surrounding your high hamstring in your strength training routine. This can help improve overall muscular balance, stability, and reduce the load on your tendons. Additionally, incorporate stretching exercises to maintain flexibility and range of motion in your hip and leg muscles. Consult with a physical therapist or trainer for specific exercises that suit your condition.
7. Listen to your body: Pay attention to any pain or discomfort during cycling. If you experience increased pain or worsening symptoms, it’s essential to take a break and allow your body to rest and recover. Pushing through the pain can lead to further damage and prolong your recovery.

By following these best practices, you can continue cycling with high hamstring tendinopathy while minimizing the risk of further injury and promoting your recovery. However, it’s essential to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

Cycling Techniques to Avoid with High Hamstring Tendinopathy

If you have high hamstring tendinopathy, it is important to be cautious while cycling to avoid exacerbating the injury. Here are some cycling techniques that you should avoid:

  1. Avoid sprinting or high-intensity cycling workouts. These activities can put excessive strain on the hamstrings and worsen the tendinopathy.
  2. Avoid standing up or pushing hard on the pedals while cycling. This can increase the load on the hamstrings and cause further irritation.
  3. Avoid cycling uphill or on a high resistance setting. It is important to minimize the strain on the hamstrings, so stick to flat surfaces or lower resistance levels.
  4. Avoid long-distance cycling without taking breaks. Prolonged periods of cycling can lead to overuse injuries, including high hamstring tendinopathy.
  5. Avoid improper bike fit. Make sure your bike is properly adjusted to your body, as an incorrect fit can put additional stress on the hamstrings.
  6. Avoid sudden increases in cycling volume or intensity. Gradually increase your workload to give your hamstrings time to adapt and avoid overloading them.

Remember, it is essential to listen to your body and avoid any activities that cause pain or discomfort in the high hamstring area. If you are experiencing persistent symptoms, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Exercises to Strengthen Hamstrings for Cycling with High Hamstring Tendinopathy

If you are experiencing high hamstring tendinopathy and want to continue cycling, it is important to focus on exercises that can help strengthen your hamstrings. Strengthening the hamstrings can provide additional support to the tendons in the area and potentially alleviate symptoms.

Here are a few exercises that can be beneficial for strengthening the hamstrings while cycling with high hamstring tendinopathy:

1. Hamstring Curls

Hamstring curls can be performed using a resistance band or by utilizing a hamstring curl machine at the gym. Lie face down on a mat or a bench and hook the resistance band around your ankles. Slowly curl your legs towards your glutes and then return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

2. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls

Place a Swiss ball or stability ball beneath your feet. Lie on your back with your arms by your sides. Bend your knees and place your heels on top of the ball. Lift your hips off the ground and use your hamstrings to roll the ball towards your glutes. Extend your legs back out and repeat for 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

3. Romanian Deadlifts

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a barbell in front of you. Keeping your back straight, hinge at your hips and lower the barbell towards the ground, keeping it close to your legs. Once you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, return to the starting position by activating your glutes and hamstrings. Perform 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

4. Single-leg Hamstring Bridge

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lift one leg off the ground, keeping your knee bent. Using your hamstrings and glutes, lift your hips off the ground until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Lower back down and repeat on the other side. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions on each leg.

5. Nordic Hamstring Curls

Kneel on a soft surface with your ankles secured under a heavy object. Slowly lower your upper body forward while keeping your torso straight until you cannot control the descent any longer. Use your hamstrings to push yourself back up to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Remember to start these exercises with light resistance and gradually increase the intensity as your strength improves. It is important to listen to your body and stop any exercise that causes increased pain or discomfort. Consult with a healthcare professional or physical therapist to develop a personalized exercise plan for your specific condition.

Recovery Tips for High Hamstring Tendinopathy

When dealing with high hamstring tendinopathy, it is important to take proper steps for recovery to ensure a successful return to cycling. Here are some tips to help in your recovery process:

1. Rest and Modify Activities: It is crucial to give your hamstring time to heal by resting and modifying your activities. Avoid any exercises or movements that aggravate the pain, including cycling. Give your body the break it needs to recover.

2. Ice and Heat Therapy: Applying ice to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and pain. Use an ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth for about 15-20 minutes at a time. After a few days, you can switch to heat therapy to promote blood flow and relax the muscles.

3. Stretching and Strengthening: Engaging in stretching and strengthening exercises can help improve the flexibility and strength of your hamstring. Consult a physical therapist or sports medicine professional to develop a personalized plan that targets your specific condition.

4. Cross-Training: While cycling may be off-limits for a while, you can still engage in low-impact activities such as swimming, water aerobics, or stationary biking with a reclined seat to keep your fitness level up without putting excessive strain on your hamstring.

5. Gradual Return to Cycling: Once you have gone through a proper recovery period and your hamstring feels stronger, you can gradually reintroduce cycling into your routine. Start with shorter rides at a low intensity and listen to your body. If you experience any pain or discomfort, reduce your activities and give yourself more time to heal.

6. Seek Professional Help: If your high hamstring tendinopathy persists or worsens despite your best efforts, it is important to seek professional help from a healthcare provider. They can provide a thorough evaluation, recommend additional treatment options, or refer you to a specialist if needed.

Remember, every individual and injury is unique, so it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

Preventing High Hamstring Tendinopathy Recurrence

After recovering from high hamstring tendinopathy, it is important to take steps to prevent a recurrence of this injury, especially if you are a cyclist. Cycling can put strain on the hamstring tendons and increase the risk of developing or aggravating high hamstring tendinopathy.

Here are some tips to help prevent the recurrence of high hamstring tendinopathy:

1. Gradual return to cycling: When returning to cycling after recovering from high hamstring tendinopathy, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your rides. This will allow your muscles and tendons to adjust and strengthen over time, reducing the risk of reinjury.
2. Proper warm-up and cool-down: Before and after each cycling session, it is crucial to perform a thorough warm-up and cool-down routine. This should include dynamic stretches and exercises to warm up the muscles, as well as static stretches to stretch and lengthen the hamstring muscles.
3. Strengthening exercises: Regularly include specific hamstring and glute strengthening exercises in your training regimen. Strong and balanced muscles can help support and stabilize the hamstrings, reducing the risk of tendinopathy recurrence.
4. Cross-training: Incorporate cross-training activities into your fitness routine. This can help reduce overuse of the hamstring tendons and provide variety to your workouts. Activities such as swimming, yoga, or Pilates can be beneficial for maintaining overall strength and flexibility.
5. Listen to your body: Pay attention to any signs or symptoms of discomfort or pain in the high hamstring area during or after cycling. If you experience any pain or tightness, it is important to rest and modify your training routine. Pushing through the pain can lead to further injury and setbacks.
6. Proper bike setup: Ensure that your bike is properly fitted to your body and riding style. Improper bike setup, such as a saddle that is too high or tilted incorrectly, can increase the strain on the hamstrings and contribute to the development or recurrence of tendinopathy.

By following these preventive measures, you can minimize the risk of high hamstring tendinopathy recurrence and continue cycling without pain or limitations.

When to Seek Medical Advice for High Hamstring Tendinopathy

If you are experiencing pain and discomfort in your hamstring area that is not improving after a few weeks, it may be time to seek medical advice for your high hamstring tendinopathy.

High hamstring tendinopathy is a condition that affects the tendons in the upper part of the hamstring muscle. It can cause pain, weakness, and difficulty with activities such as walking, running, and cycling.

If you notice any of the following symptoms, it is important to schedule an appointment with a healthcare professional:

  • Persistent Pain: If your pain persists for longer than a few weeks and does not improve with rest and home treatments, it may be a sign of a more serious issue.
  • Worsening Symptoms: If your symptoms are getting progressively worse over time, it is important to seek medical advice to prevent further damage or complications.
  • Difficulty with Activities: If you are experiencing difficulty with everyday activities such as walking, sitting, or bending, it may be a sign that your high hamstring tendinopathy is affecting your quality of life.
  • Swelling or Bruising: If you notice any swelling or bruising in the hamstring area, it may indicate a more severe injury that requires medical attention.

When seeking medical advice for high hamstring tendinopathy, it is important to find a healthcare professional who specializes in sports medicine or orthopedics. They will be able to provide a proper diagnosis and create an individualized treatment plan to help you recover and get back to your normal activities. Remember, early intervention and proper treatment can lead to a quicker and more successful recovery.

Questions and answers:

Can cycling worsen high hamstring tendinopathy?

No, cycling can actually be a good exercise for people with high hamstring tendinopathy as it puts less stress on the tendons compared to running or other high-impact activities.

Should I stop cycling if I have high hamstring tendinopathy?

It depends on the severity of your condition. If cycling is causing pain or worsening your symptoms, it may be best to take a break and focus on other exercises and treatments that can help with your recovery.

How can I modify my bike setup to prevent further injuries?

You can adjust your bike saddle height and position to reduce strain on your hamstrings. Making sure your bike is properly fitted to your body can help distribute your weight more evenly and reduce the risk of exacerbating your high hamstring tendinopathy.

Are there any specific stretches or exercises I can do to help with my high hamstring tendinopathy?

Yes, there are several exercises and stretches that can help with high hamstring tendinopathy, such as hamstring curls, bridge exercises, and gentle stretching of the hamstring muscles. It’s important to consult with a physical therapist or healthcare professional to determine the best exercises for your specific condition.

How long does it usually take to recover from high hamstring tendinopathy?

The recovery time for high hamstring tendinopathy can vary depending on the severity of the injury and individual factors. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months for symptoms to improve. It’s important to follow a comprehensive treatment plan that includes rest, exercises, and other forms of therapy to aid in the healing process.

Can cycling worsen high hamstring tendinopathy?

Cycling can aggravate high hamstring tendinopathy if done with poor form or excessive intensity. It is important to maintain proper bike fit, use appropriate gearing, and avoid excessive strain on the hamstring muscles to prevent further damage and promote healing.

Is it possible to continue cycling while recovering from high hamstring tendinopathy?

Yes, it is possible to continue cycling while recovering from high hamstring tendinopathy. However, it is important to modify your cycling routine to avoid exacerbating the condition. This may include reducing intensity, shortening rides, modifying your bike setup, and incorporating specific hamstring strengthening exercises into your training regimen.

What are some exercises that can help with high hamstring tendinopathy?

There are several exercises that can help with high hamstring tendinopathy. These include eccentric hamstring curls, glute bridge exercises, hip strengthening exercises, and foam rolling to release tight muscles. It is important to work with a physical therapist or sports medicine professional to develop a personalized exercise program that addresses your specific needs and helps promote healing and recovery.