
Bicycle Safety – The Dangers of Riding Without a Helmet

A helmet is a vital piece of safety equipment that should never be overlooked when riding a bicycle. It provides essential protection for your head in the event of an accident, significantly reducing the risk of serious injury or even death. Without a helmet, your head is exposed to considerable danger, as even a minor crash can result in severe head trauma.

Riding a bicycle without a helmet may seem harmless, especially on short trips or when cycling at a slow pace. However, it’s crucial to recognize that accidents can happen unexpectedly, and it only takes one moment of distraction or a small error to lead to a devastating consequence. Wearing a helmet is a simple action that can save lives.

Wearing a helmet not only protects you from direct impacts but also helps absorb the force of a collision. It is designed to cushion your head and distribute the impact, reducing the risk of skull fractures, brain injuries, or concussions. A helmet also offers protection against debris, such as rocks or branches, that may be thrown up by passing vehicles or encountered on the road.

Furthermore, wearing a helmet sets a positive example for others and promotes a culture of safety in your community. By consistently wearing a helmet, you encourage others to do the same, making the roads safer for cyclists of all ages. It’s essential to prioritize your safety and the safety of those around you. So, before you hop on your bicycle, don’t forget to strap on your helmet and set an example for others to follow.

Reasons to Wear a Bicycle Helmet

There are several important reasons why wearing a bicycle helmet is crucial for your safety. Without a helmet, you are putting yourself at a higher risk of serious injury or even death in the event of a bicycle accident.

The first reason to wear a helmet is to protect your head from potential head injuries. Your head is the most vulnerable part of your body while riding a bicycle, and a helmet acts as a shield, reducing the impact of a direct blow to the head. It can help prevent skull fractures, concussions, and other traumatic brain injuries.

Additionally, wearing a helmet sets a good example for others, especially children. By consistently wearing a helmet, you are encouraging others to do the same and promoting bicycle safety in your community. It shows that you prioritize your safety and understand the importance of taking precautions.

Furthermore, wearing a helmet can increase your visibility to other motorists on the road. Many helmets come with reflective strips or bright colors, which can make you more noticeable, especially in low-light conditions or when riding at night. This visibility can help prevent accidents by ensuring that other drivers and pedestrians can see you clearly.

Lastly, wearing a helmet can give you peace of mind and improve your overall confidence while riding. Knowing that you have taken steps to protect yourself can help you feel more secure and comfortable on your bicycle. This confidence can enhance your enjoyment of cycling and encourage you to ride more often.

In conclusion, wearing a bicycle helmet is essential for your safety and well-being. It protects your head from potential injuries, sets a good example for others, increases your visibility, and boosts your confidence while riding. Don’t ride without a helmet – prioritize your safety and make it a habit to always wear one.

Safety First: Protect Your Head

When it comes to riding a bicycle, safety should always be your top priority. One of the most important safety measures you can take is wearing a helmet. Without a helmet, you are putting your head at serious risk.

The Importance of Wearing a Helmet

A helmet protects your head from injuries in case of an accident. It acts as a barrier between your skull and any impact, reducing the chances of a traumatic brain injury or even death. Wearing a helmet can make a significant difference in the outcome of a bicycle accident.

The Dangers of Riding Without a Helmet

Choosing not to wear a helmet while riding a bicycle can have severe consequences. The lack of protection leaves your head vulnerable to injuries from falls, collisions with vehicles or objects, and even the impact of your own body hitting the pavement. The risk of sustaining a head injury increases significantly without the proper headgear.

According to statistics, the majority of bicycle accidents resulting in head injuries involve riders who were not wearing helmets. These injuries can range from mild concussions to life-altering brain damage. By choosing not to wear a helmet, you are putting your life at unnecessary risk.


When it comes to bicycle safety, there should be no compromise. Wearing a helmet is critical to protecting your head in case of an accident. By prioritizing safety and putting on a helmet every time you ride, you are taking a significant step towards reducing the risk of head injuries and ensuring you can continue enjoying cycling for years to come.

Reduce the Risk of Head Injuries

Riding a bicycle without a helmet significantly increases the risk of head injuries. Helmets play a crucial role in protecting riders from serious brain trauma in case of an accident. Here are some reasons why wearing a helmet is essential:

1. Impact Absorption

Helmets are designed to absorb the impact of a fall or collision, thus reducing the force transferred to the head. The outer shell of the helmet helps to distribute the force over a larger area, while the inner liner absorbs the energy and cushions the head.

2. Protection from Skull Fractures

If a rider falls or crashes and hits their head on a hard surface, a helmet provides a protective shell around the skull. This helps to prevent skull fractures, which can be life-threatening and may require extensive medical treatment.

Moreover, helmets are also equipped with a chin strap, which helps to secure the helmet in place and prevent it from coming off during an accident. This ensures a consistent level of protection throughout the ride.

By reducing the risk of head injuries, wearing a helmet when riding a bicycle becomes crucial for both adults and children. It is important to choose a helmet that fits properly and is certified for safety. Remember, protecting your head should be a top priority when enjoying the benefits of cycling!

Prevent Serious Brain Damage

Riding a bicycle can be a fun and enjoyable activity, but it also comes with risks. One of the most important reasons to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle is to prevent serious brain damage. When you are on a bicycle, there is always a chance of falling or getting into an accident. In the unfortunate event of a fall or collision, a helmet can provide crucial protection for your head.

Your brain is a vital organ, responsible for controlling all of your body’s functions. Any injury to the brain can have serious and long-lasting consequences. Wearing a helmet can significantly reduce the risk of traumatic brain injuries, such as concussions or hemorrhages. The helmet acts as a buffer, absorbing the impact and distributing the force more evenly, reducing the risk of severe head injuries.

A bicycle accident can happen to anyone, regardless of their skill level or experience. Even a minor fall can have major consequences if your head is not properly protected. By wearing a helmet every time you ride a bicycle, you are taking a proactive step towards ensuring your safety. It only takes a split second for an accident to occur, but wearing a helmet can make all the difference in preventing serious brain damage.

Wearing a bicycle helmet is not just about obeying the law or following social norms – it is about protecting yourself. A helmet should fit properly and be securely fastened to provide maximum protection. It should cover your forehead, not tilted back, and the straps should be snug but not too tight. By wearing a helmet, you are taking responsibility for your own safety and setting a good example for others.

So, before hopping on your bicycle, make sure you have a helmet on. It may seem like a simple step, but it can have a profound impact on your well-being. Don’t take unnecessary risks when it comes to your brain – make it a habit to always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle, and encourage others to do the same.

Remember: protect your brain, wear a helmet!

Secure Your Skull

The Importance of Wearing a Helmet

Wearing a helmet while cycling can significantly reduce the risk of head injuries. In the event of an accident or a fall from the bicycle, the helmet acts as a protective barrier between your head and the hard surface, absorbing much of the impact and reducing the risk of a fractured skull or brain injury. It also helps to distribute the force of the impact, minimizing the chances of severe brain damage.

Wearing a helmet also provides protection against minor injuries like cuts and abrasions, as well as severe injuries like concussions. Even a low-speed accident can result in a significant head injury, so it’s important to wear a helmet regardless of your cycling speed or experience level.

Choosing the Right Helmet

When it comes to choosing a helmet, there are a few important factors to consider. First and foremost, ensure that it meets the necessary safety standards. Look for a helmet with a sticker indicating compliance with safety standards set by organizations like the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

It’s also crucial to choose a helmet that fits properly. A helmet that is too loose or too tight can compromise its ability to protect your head. Always try on a helmet before purchasing to ensure a snug and comfortable fit. Adjust the straps to make sure they are secure but not too tight.

Benefits of Wearing a Helmet when Riding a Bicycle
Reduces the risk of head injuries
Minimizes the chances of severe brain damage
Provides protection against cuts, abrasions, and concussions
Fits properly to ensure optimal protection

A bicycle helmet is a simple yet effective tool in ensuring your safety while enjoying the benefits of cycling. Secure your skull and make wearing a helmet a non-negotiable part of your cycling routine.

Avoid Fatal Accidents

Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle can greatly reduce the risk of fatal accidents. It acts as a protective barrier, shielding your head from potential impact in case of a fall or collision. Head injuries are one of the leading causes of fatal accidents among cyclists, and wearing a helmet is a simple yet effective way to prevent such tragedies.

When you wear a helmet, you are safeguarding yourself against severe head trauma. In the event of an accident, the helmet’s hard outer shell absorbs the energy of the impact, reducing the force transmitted to your skull and brain. This significantly lowers the risk of life-threatening injuries, such as skull fractures or brain damage.

Furthermore, many fatal accidents involving cyclists are caused by collisions with motor vehicles. Although helmets cannot prevent these accidents from occurring, they can greatly enhance your chances of survival. In case of a collision, a helmet can prevent or minimize head injuries that could be fatal, allowing you to receive the necessary medical attention and recover from other injuries.

It’s important to note that wearing a helmet is not only crucial for your own safety but also sets a positive example for others. When other cyclists see you wearing a helmet, they are more likely to do the same, creating a culture of safety awareness and encouraging everyone to prioritize their well-being while riding a bicycle.

  • Wearing a helmet is a small investment that can save your life.
  • Don’t take unnecessary risks; always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle.
  • Remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

In conclusion, wearing a helmet when riding a bicycle is essential to avoid fatal accidents. It provides vital protection for your head, reduces the risk of life-threatening injuries, and sets a positive example for others. Make it a habit to always wear a helmet and prioritize your safety on the road.

Stay Safe on the Road

Riding a bicycle without a helmet is extremely dangerous and puts your life at risk. Wearing a helmet is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself while cycling. It provides an extra layer of protection for your head and can greatly reduce the risk of serious head injuries in case of an accident.

When you wear a helmet, you are taking a proactive step towards ensuring your safety on the road. Accidents can happen at any time, and it’s impossible to predict when you might be involved in one. Wearing a helmet can greatly increase your chances of walking away from a crash with only minor injuries.

Many countries and states have laws in place that require cyclists to wear helmets, and for good reason. Studies have shown that wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of head injuries by up to 85%. It’s not just about protecting yourself, but also setting a good example for others. When drivers see cyclists wearing helmets, they are more likely to be cautious and give them the space they need on the road.

Wearing a helmet should be a non-negotiable part of cycling. It’s a simple and effective way to protect your head and prevent life-changing injuries. Remember, accidents can happen in an instant, so it’s important to be prepared and take all necessary precautions. Always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle – your life may depend on it.

Protect your head – wear a helmet!

Helmet as Your Shield

When you hop on your bicycle for a ride, your helmet becomes your shield, protecting you from potential harm. It is essential to wear a helmet at all times, as accidents can happen unexpectedly.

A helmet is designed to absorb the impact of a fall or collision, minimizing the risk of severe head injuries. It acts as a protective barrier, shielding your skull and brain from any external force. By wearing a helmet, you greatly reduce the chances of a concussion, skull fracture, or traumatic brain injury.

Additionally, helmets are often equipped with extra features such as chin straps, ventilation systems, and reflective materials. Chin straps ensure that the helmet stays securely in place during a ride, minimizing the risk of it falling off during an accident. Ventilation systems help to keep your head cool and comfortable, preventing overheating on hot summer days. Reflective materials increase your visibility to other road users, reducing the likelihood of accidents caused by poor visibility.

While it may be tempting to skip wearing a helmet, especially for short rides or in areas with low traffic, it is vital to remember that accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. Even a simple fall from a bicycle can lead to a serious head injury. By making wearing a helmet a habit every time you ride your bicycle, you are prioritizing your safety and well-being. Remember, your helmet is your shield, and it can make all the difference in protecting you from potential harm.

Shield Against Skull Fractures

A helmet provides a crucial shield of protection for bicyclists, especially against one of the most severe injuries: skull fractures. It serves as a protective barrier between the head and the hard surfaces that can cause skull fractures in the event of an accident or fall.

Skull fractures occur when there is a break in one or more bone segments that make up the skull. These fractures can be caused by a strong impact to the head, such as hitting the pavement or colliding with a vehicle.

Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle greatly reduces the risk of skull fractures. The outer shell of a helmet is designed to absorb and distribute the force of an impact, reducing the impact on the skull. Additionally, the inner padding helps to cushion the head, further minimizing the risk of skull fractures.

Studies have shown that wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of head injuries, including skull fractures, by up to 85%. This significant reduction in risk highlights the importance of wearing a helmet every time you ride a bicycle.

Furthermore, it is important to choose a helmet that fits properly and meets safety standards. A properly fitting helmet should sit level on the head, covering the forehead, and have straps that can be adjusted snugly under the chin. This ensures that the helmet stays in place and provides optimal protection in the event of an accident.

Remember, a helmet is not just an accessory, but a crucial piece of safety equipment when riding a bicycle. It provides a vital shield against skull fractures and other head injuries, allowing you to enjoy your ride with peace of mind.

Protect Against Concussions

One of the most important reasons to wear a helmet while riding a bicycle is to protect against concussions. A helmet provides a crucial layer of protection for your head, reducing the risk of head injuries that can cause concussions. Without a helmet, your head is vulnerable to impact during a fall or collision.

Preserve Your Cognitive Abilities

Riding a bicycle without a helmet can have serious consequences for your cognitive abilities. Studies have shown that head injuries from bike accidents can lead to long-term cognitive decline, memory loss, and even dementia.

Wearing a helmet while cycling can help protect your brain from traumatic injuries. The helmet acts as a barrier between your head and any impact, reducing the risk of brain damage.

Research has also shown that wearing a helmet can improve your overall cognitive performance. When you feel safe and protected, you can focus more on the task at hand instead of worrying about potential accidents. This increased focus and concentration can help improve your cognitive abilities while riding a bicycle.

Protecting Your Brain Health

The brain is one of the most vital organs in your body, responsible for all cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. It is crucial to take steps to protect your brain health, and wearing a helmet is a simple yet effective way to do so.

By wearing a helmet, you can reduce the risk of head injuries that can have a lasting impact on your cognitive abilities. Whether you are riding in the city or on a trail, accidents can happen at any time. Wearing a helmet can significantly decrease the severity of head injuries and preserve your brain health.

Setting an Example

Wearing a helmet not only protects your own cognitive abilities but also sets a positive example for others. By demonstrating the importance of helmet safety, you can encourage others to prioritize their brain health as well.

Whether you are riding with friends or family, wearing a helmet can create a culture of safety where everyone understands the significance of protecting their cognitive abilities. By leading by example, you can help make helmet-wearing a norm and prevent unnecessary head injuries.

Ensure Your Emotional Well-being

Riding a bicycle can be a liberating and enjoyable activity. It allows you to explore your surroundings, get some exercise, and spend time outdoors. However, riding a bicycle without wearing a helmet can put your emotional well-being at risk.

Increase Your Confidence

Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle can boost your confidence on the road. Knowing that you are protected in case of an accident can help you feel more at ease and in control. This, in turn, can enhance your overall emotional well-being and make your cycling experience more enjoyable.

Reduce Anxiety and Stress

When you ride a bicycle without a helmet, you may feel anxious or stressed about the potential risks and dangers involved. This constant worry can take away from the joy of riding and negatively impact your emotional well-being. By wearing a helmet, you can minimize these feelings of anxiety and stress, allowing you to fully enjoy your cycling experience.

Increase Your Visibility

One important reason to always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle is to increase your visibility to other road users. Without a helmet, you may blend into the background, making it harder for drivers and pedestrians to see you.

By wearing a brightly colored helmet, you can easily catch the eye of others and ensure that you are seen on the road. This is especially important in low light conditions or in areas with heavy traffic. A bright helmet can make a big difference in increasing your visibility and reducing the risk of accidents.

Wearing Reflective Elements

In addition to a bright helmet, you can further enhance your visibility by adding reflective elements to your bicycle and clothing. Reflective strips or stickers on your bike frame, pedals, and wheels can make you stand out in the dark, alerting drivers to your presence.

You can also wear reflective clothing or accessories, such as a reflective vest or ankle bands, to make yourself more visible to others. These reflective elements work by reflecting light from car headlights, making you more noticeable and reducing the chances of collisions.

Using Lights

Another effective way to increase your visibility when riding a bicycle is to use lights. Install a white light on the front of your bike and a red light on the back. These lights can help you be seen from a distance and ensure that drivers can accurately judge your position and speed.

Make sure to turn the lights on when riding in low light conditions or at night. It’s also a good idea to keep spare batteries on hand to ensure that your lights never run out of power. By using lights, you are taking an active step to increase your visibility and make the roads safer for everyone.

Be a Role Model for Others

Riding a bicycle without wearing a helmet sets a dangerous example for others, especially children. As adults, we have a responsibility to be good role models and promote safe behavior. When others see us taking safety precautions, they are more likely to follow suit. By wearing a helmet every time we ride a bicycle, we send a strong message that safety is important and should not be compromised.

Children are particularly susceptible to influence, they look up to older individuals and imitate their actions. If children see adults riding bicycles without helmets, they may assume that it is okay to do the same. This can lead to serious consequences, as head injuries from bicycle accidents can be life-changing or even fatal.

Being a role model means taking the time to educate others about the importance of wearing a helmet when riding a bicycle. By explaining the potential dangers and sharing personal stories or statistics, we can help others understand the gravity of the situation. Empowering others with knowledge is a crucial step in creating a safer environment for everyone.

So, let’s be the change we want to see in the world. Let’s set a positive example by always wearing a helmet when riding a bicycle. Together, we can make a difference and protect ourselves and others from unnecessary harm.

Observe Traffic Laws

When riding a bicycle, it is important to observe traffic laws. This means following the same rules and regulations that apply to motor vehicles.

Riding without a helmet serves as a violation of traffic laws in many places, and not wearing one can result in fines or penalties.

Additionally, it is crucial to ride in the same direction as traffic, using designated bike lanes or staying on the right side of the road. This helps drivers and other cyclists anticipate your movements and reduces the risk of collisions.

Furthermore, cyclists should stop for red lights and stop signs, yield the right-of-way when required, and use hand signals to indicate turns or changes in direction.

Obeying traffic laws not only helps to keep you safe but also encourages respect from other road users. By adhering to these rules, you contribute to a more harmonious and predictable flow of traffic, minimizing the chance of accidents.


  • Follow traffic laws when riding a bicycle
  • Wearing a helmet is a legal requirement in many places
  • Ride in the same direction as traffic
  • Observe traffic signals and yield the right-of-way
  • Use hand signals to indicate turns

Set an Example for Children

As adults, we have a responsibility to set a good example for children, especially when it comes to their safety. By wearing a helmet when riding a bicycle, we show children the importance of protecting themselves and taking safety precautions.

Children are often the ones who follow our lead and mimic our actions. If they see adults riding bicycles without helmets, they may think it’s okay to do the same. However, we know that riding without a helmet can be extremely dangerous and increase the risk of head injuries in the event of a fall or accident.

By consistently wearing a helmet, we show children that safety should always come first, no matter how short or long the bike ride is. We can explain to them that a helmet acts as a protective barrier, reducing the impact to the head in case of a collision. This simple act of wearing a helmet can have a long-lasting impact on children and teach them valuable lessons about safety.

Educate Children on Bicycle Safety

In addition to setting a good example, we should also take the time to educate children on bicycle safety. We can teach them how to properly wear a helmet and the importance of buckling the chin strap. We can also explain basic traffic rules, such as looking both ways before crossing the street and using hand signals to indicate turns.

By educating children on bicycle safety and modeling good behavior ourselves, we can help create a culture of safety where wearing a helmet becomes the norm. This will not only protect children from potential accidents but also instill in them the importance of making safe choices throughout their lives.

Enjoy a Carefree Ride

Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle is crucial to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. By wearing a helmet, you can protect yourself from potential head injuries that may occur in an accident, allowing you to enjoy your ride without worry.

Without a proper helmet, the risk of serious head trauma is significantly higher. In the event of a fall or collision, a helmet provides a cushioning effect and can absorb the impact, reducing the chances of a severe injury. It acts as a protective barrier between your head and any external objects, such as the road, pavement, or other vehicles.

In addition to the physical protection it offers, wearing a helmet also helps to instill a sense of confidence and peace of mind. Knowing that you have taken necessary precautions by wearing a helmet allows you to fully enjoy your ride, whether it’s a leisurely cruise through the park or a challenging mountain biking adventure.

Benefits of wearing a helmet:

  • Reduced risk of head injuries
  • Protection from potential accidents
  • Increased confidence while riding
  • Peace of mind knowing you have taken necessary precautions

So, next time you hop on your bicycle, remember to always wear a helmet. It’s a small action that can make a big difference in keeping you safe and allowing you to have a carefree ride.

Optimize Your Cycling Experience

To truly enhance your cycling experience, it is essential to ride with a helmet. Riding without a helmet is not only dangerous but can also ruin the joy of cycling. When you wear a helmet, you can focus on enjoying the ride instead of worrying about potential accidents.

A helmet provides necessary protection for your head, reducing the risk of serious injuries in case of a fall or collision. It acts as a shield and absorbs the impact of an impact, mitigating potential damage. By wearing a helmet, you are taking a proactive step towards ensuring your safety while cycling.

In addition to safety, wearing a helmet can also boost your confidence and peace of mind. When you know you are protected, you can fully immerse yourself in the cycling experience without any fear or hesitation. It allows you to push your limits and explore new routes, knowing that you are taking necessary precautions.

Remember, accidents can happen to anyone at any time. By always wearing a helmet while riding, you are making a responsible choice that can greatly minimize the risk of serious harm. So, buckle up and embrace the thrill of cycling with confidence, knowing that you are prepared to face any challenge that may come your way.

Stay safe. Wear a helmet.

Questions and answers:

Why should I wear a helmet when riding a bicycle?

Wearing a helmet can greatly reduce the risk of head injuries in case of a bicycle accident. It protects your brain and can save your life.

What are the consequences of not wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle?

Not wearing a helmet can result in severe head injuries, such as concussions, skull fractures, and brain damage. In some cases, it can even lead to death.

At what age should children start wearing helmets when riding a bicycle?

Children should start wearing helmets as soon as they start riding a bicycle, regardless of their age. It is important to develop the habit of wearing a helmet from an early age to ensure their safety.

Are there any specific helmet requirements for riding a bicycle?

When choosing a helmet, make sure it meets safety standards, such as the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) certification in the United States. The helmet should fit properly, cover the forehead, and have adjustable straps.

Can wearing a helmet prevent all bicycle-related injuries?

While wearing a helmet cannot prevent all types of injuries, it significantly reduces the risk of head injuries. It is still important to follow traffic rules and ride cautiously to minimize the chances of accidents.

Why should I wear a helmet when riding a bicycle?

Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle is important for several reasons. Firstly, it protects your head from injuries in case of an accident or fall. The helmet acts as a shock absorber, reducing the impact of a collision on your head and potentially preventing serious brain injuries. Secondly, it sets a good example for others, especially children, who may be encouraged to wear helmets too. Finally, it is a legal requirement in many states and countries to wear a helmet when cycling on public roads.

What kind of injuries can occur if I don’t wear a helmet while riding a bicycle?

If you don’t wear a helmet while riding a bicycle, you are at a higher risk of experiencing head injuries in case of an accident or fall. These injuries can range from minor concussions and cuts to more serious traumatic brain injuries, which can have long-lasting effects on your physical and cognitive abilities. Without a helmet, your head is more vulnerable to direct impacts and sudden movements, increasing the likelihood of severe injuries.

Can wearing a helmet prevent all head injuries?

While wearing a helmet significantly reduces the risk of head injuries, it cannot guarantee complete protection. Helmets are designed to absorb and distribute the force of an impact, but they have their limits. In certain high-speed or severe collisions, a helmet might not be sufficient to prevent all injuries. However, it is important to remember that even if a helmet cannot prevent all head injuries, it still significantly reduces the severity and risk of such injuries.

Are bicycle helmets one size fits all?

No, bicycle helmets are not one size fits all. Each helmet comes with an adjustable system that allows you to customize the fit according to your head size and shape. It is crucial to choose a helmet that fits properly to ensure maximum protection. A helmet that is too loose may not stay in place during an impact, while a helmet that is too tight can cause discomfort and restrict circulation. It is recommended to try on different helmets and consult with a specialist to find the right fit for you.

Can I use any type of helmet for cycling, or do I need to use a specific bicycle helmet?

While any type of helmet that fits properly can provide some level of protection, it is recommended to use a specific bicycle helmet for cycling. Bicycle helmets are specifically designed to withstand the types of impacts and forces that are common in cycling accidents. They have a hard outer shell and energy-absorbing foam lining, which work together to reduce the impact on your head. Other types of helmets, such as those used for skateboarding or horse riding, may not provide the same level of protection for cycling.