
Bicycle and Rowing Machine – Comparing Benefits, Effectiveness, and Overall Fitness Impacts

When it comes to indoor exercise equipment, two popular options for cardio training are the bicycle and the rowing machine. Both machines offer an effective way to improve cardiovascular fitness and burn calories, but which one is the best choice for you?

The bicycle is a classic choice for cardio training, and for good reason. It’s a low-impact exercise that is gentle on the joints, making it suitable for people of all fitness levels. Whether you prefer a stationary bike or cycling outdoors, biking provides a great cardiovascular workout that targets the lower body muscles.

On the other hand, the rowing machine offers a full-body workout that engages both the upper and lower body muscles. Rowing is a high-intensity exercise that can help you burn more calories in a shorter amount of time compared to biking. Additionally, rowing is a great option for individuals looking to improve their strength and endurance, as it works the muscles in your arms, back, and legs.

Ultimately, the choice between a bicycle and a rowing machine depends on your personal fitness goals and preferences. If you’re looking for a low-impact exercise that mainly targets the lower body, the bicycle may be the best option for you. However, if you’re seeking a full-body workout that provides both cardiovascular and strength training benefits, the rowing machine might be the better choice. Regardless of which machine you choose, incorporating either one into your fitness routine is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health and overall fitness level.

Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise, also known as cardio, is a type of exercise that increases your heart rate and improves your cardiovascular health. There are many benefits to incorporating cardiovascular exercise into your workout routine, whether you choose to do it indoors or outdoors with the help of a machine.

Improved heart health: Cardio workouts strengthen your heart muscle, allowing it to pump blood more efficiently throughout your body. This can lower your risk of developing heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions.

Increased endurance: Regular cardio training can significantly improve your stamina and endurance levels. This means that activities that used to leave you feeling tired or breathless will become easier over time.

Weight loss: Cardiovascular exercise is a great way to burn calories and lose weight. When you engage in cardio workouts, your body burns fat and calories for fuel, helping you shed those extra pounds.

Mood booster: Cardio workouts release endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting chemicals in the brain. Regular cardio exercise can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety and improve your overall mental well-being.

Improved lung function: Cardio workouts increase your lung capacity and improve your breathing. This can be especially beneficial for people with respiratory conditions like asthma.

Stronger muscles: Although cardio exercise primarily focuses on the cardiovascular system, it also helps build and tone your muscles. This is particularly true for activities like rowing, which engage multiple muscle groups.

Increased fitness levels: By regularly performing cardio exercise, your fitness levels will improve. You will find that you can do more intense workouts and perform physical activities with greater ease.

Reduced stress: Cardio workouts can help reduce stress by promoting the release of endorphins and providing a healthy outlet for pent-up energy and tension.

Improved sleep: Engaging in regular cardio exercise can promote better sleep patterns. It can help you fall asleep faster, achieve deeper sleep, and wake up more refreshed.

Overall, incorporating cardiovascular exercise into your fitness routine, whether through indoor machines or outdoor activities, offers numerous benefits for your physical and mental well-being. So lace up your sneakers, hop on a bike or rowing machine, and start reaping the rewards of cardio training!

Choosing the Right Equipment

When it comes to cardio workouts, both rowing and cycling offer excellent options. However, choosing the right equipment depends on your personal preferences and fitness goals.

If you enjoy the outdoors and prefer a workout that mimics real-world activities, cycling may be the best choice for you. Cycling not only provides a great cardio workout but also allows you to explore new places and enjoy the fresh air. Whether you prefer road cycling or mountain biking, there are various options to suit your needs.

On the other hand, if you prefer indoor training and want a full-body workout, rowing may be the better option. Rowing engages multiple muscle groups, including the legs, core, arms, and back, making it an efficient way to burn calories and improve overall fitness. Additionally, rowing machines often come with adjustable resistance settings, allowing you to customize your workout intensity.

Both cycling and rowing machines provide low-impact workouts, making them suitable for individuals with joint issues or those recovering from injuries. However, it’s important to note that rowing machines generally have a higher learning curve and may require proper form and technique to avoid strain and injury.

Ultimately, the best choice between a bicycle and a rowing machine for your cardio exercise depends on your personal preferences, goals, and available resources. If you enjoy outdoor activities and want to explore new places, cycling can provide an enjoyable workout experience. On the other hand, if you prefer indoor training and want a full-body workout, a rowing machine may be the better option. Consider trying both options and see which exercise equipment fits your needs and lifestyle best.

Benefits of a Bicycle for Cardio

When it comes to cardiovascular exercise, the bicycle is a fantastic choice. Not only does it provide an effective workout for your heart and lungs, but it also offers a range of other benefits that make it a popular choice for many fitness enthusiasts.

Outdoor Exercise

One of the primary advantages of using a bicycle for cardio is that it allows you to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Unlike a rowing machine, which is typically used indoors, biking gives you the opportunity to explore different terrains and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Whether you prefer a leisurely ride through a scenic park or an intense uphill challenge, biking can provide a refreshing change of scenery compared to the monotony of indoor workouts. This outdoor element can make your cardio training more enjoyable and motivating, helping you to stick to your fitness routine.

Full-Body Workout

In addition to offering a great cardiovascular workout, biking also engages multiple muscle groups, providing a full-body workout. While rowing primarily targets your upper body and core, cycling works your lower body, including your legs, glutes, and calves.

As you pedal, you engage these muscles in a repetitive motion, gradually increasing your strength and endurance over time. This not only helps to tone and strengthen your lower body, but it also contributes to an overall increase in fitness and stamina.

Furthermore, biking can help improve your balance and coordination, as you navigate different terrains and maintain control of the bike.


When it comes to choosing between a bicycle and a rowing machine for cardio, the bicycle has several distinct advantages. It allows you to enjoy outdoor exercise, providing a refreshing change of scenery and helping to make your workout more enjoyable. Additionally, it offers a full-body workout, engaging multiple muscle groups and contributing to overall fitness and strength.

If you’re looking for a cardiovascular exercise machine that not only gets your heart pumping but also provides additional fitness benefits, a bicycle is an excellent choice.

Benefits of a Rowing Machine for Cardio

A rowing machine is an excellent piece of indoor exercise equipment that can provide a variety of benefits for cardiovascular training. While outdoor activities such as cycling on a bicycle can also be great for cardio, a rowing machine offers unique advantages that can help improve overall fitness levels.

Here are some of the specific benefits of using a rowing machine for cardio:

Low-Impact Workout: Rowing is a low-impact exercise, which means it puts less stress on your joints compared to activities like running or jogging. This makes it an ideal option for people with joint issues or those who are recovering from injuries.
Total-Body Workout: Rowing engages multiple muscle groups, including your arms, legs, core, and back. It provides a full-body workout that can help improve strength, endurance, and overall muscular fitness.
Cardiovascular Conditioning: Rowing is an excellent aerobic exercise that can help improve your cardiovascular health. It increases your heart rate, improves lung function, and enhances your body’s ability to utilize oxygen more efficiently.
Calorie Burning: Rowing is an effective calorie-burning exercise. It can help you burn a significant amount of calories within a short period of time, making it an efficient option for weight loss or maintaining a healthy body weight.
Low-Maintenance Equipment: Rowing machines are relatively low-maintenance compared to outdoor bicycles. They don’t require regular maintenance like tire replacement or chain lubrication. This makes them convenient and cost-effective for long-term use.
Flexible Intensity Levels: Rowing machines allow you to adjust the resistance level according to your fitness goals and abilities. You can start at a lower intensity and gradually increase it as you become stronger and more conditioned.

In conclusion, while both outdoor cycling and indoor rowing can be effective for cardio training, a rowing machine offers unique benefits such as low-impact, total-body workout, cardiovascular conditioning, calorie burning, low-maintenance, and flexibility in intensity levels. Incorporating a rowing machine into your fitness routine can help you achieve your cardiovascular goals and improve overall fitness levels.

Comparison of Bicycle and Rowing Machine

When it comes to outdoor exercise, the bicycle and the rowing machine are two popular options for individuals looking to improve their fitness and cardiovascular health. Both of these machines offer unique benefits and can be effective tools for training.

The bicycle is a classic piece of exercise equipment that allows individuals to engage in cardio training while enjoying the outdoors. It provides a low-impact workout that helps strengthen the leg muscles, improve cardiovascular endurance, and burn calories. Riding a bicycle also allows for different levels of intensity, making it suitable for individuals of all fitness levels.

On the other hand, the rowing machine is a versatile exercise equipment that targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously. It provides a full-body workout, engaging the legs, core, back, and arms. Rowing is a great option for individuals looking to improve their overall fitness and build strength. It also offers an excellent cardio training option, as it can raise the heart rate and improve cardiovascular endurance.

Both the bicycle and rowing machine provide effective cardio workouts, but they do have some differences that may affect an individual’s choice. The bicycle allows individuals to enjoy the outdoors and experience the benefits of fresh air and nature. It is also a great way to commute or explore new places. On the other hand, the rowing machine provides a controlled and consistent workout environment, making it suitable for individuals who prefer to exercise indoors or who live in areas with inclement weather.

In terms of impact on the joints, the bicycle tends to be lower impact as it reduces stress on the knees and ankles. However, proper bike fit and technique are essential to prevent injuries. The rowing machine, although a low-impact exercise, requires proper form to avoid strain on the back and knees.

The choice between the bicycle and the rowing machine ultimately depends on individual preferences, fitness goals, and the availability of equipment. Both machines offer effective cardio training and can be incorporated into a well-rounded fitness routine. It is essential to choose the exercise equipment that aligns with personal preferences and provides an enjoyable and sustainable workout experience.

Factors to Consider

When deciding between an indoor machine or outdoor cardio training like rowing or bicycling, there are several factors to consider.

Type of Exercise

Both rowing and cycling provide excellent cardiovascular exercise options. Rowing engages multiple muscle groups, including the arms, core, and legs, making it a full-body workout. Cycling primarily targets the lower body, particularly the quadriceps and glutes. Consider your fitness goals and personal preferences when choosing between these two options.

Accessibility and Convenience

Indoor machines such as rowing machines are easily accessible and allow for exercise at any time, regardless of weather conditions. This makes them a convenient choice for those who prefer to work out at home or have limited access to outdoor spaces. On the other hand, cycling outdoors provides an opportunity to enjoy fresh air and change of scenery, which can be beneficial for mental well-being.

Factors such as your schedule, location, and personal preferences should be considered when deciding between an indoor or outdoor exercise machine.

Toning and Strength Training

In addition to providing a great cardiovascular workout, both rowing and bicycling are excellent forms of exercise for toning and strength training. These indoor and outdoor activities engage multiple muscles groups, helping to tone and strengthen your body.

Rowing is a full-body workout that targets muscles in your arms, legs, back, and core. The repetitive motion of pulling the oars through the water builds strength and endurance in the upper body, while the leg drive engages the lower body muscles. This combination of movements helps to tone and sculpt your muscles, giving you a lean and fit appearance.

Bicycling, whether indoors on a stationary bike or outdoors on the road or trails, also offers toning and strength benefits. When you pedal, you are using the muscles in your legs, including your quads, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. Simultaneously, your upper body, including your arms, shoulders, and core, helps to stabilize and control the bike. This results in overall toning and muscle definition.

To maximize the toning and strength training benefits of rowing or bicycling, it is important to vary your workouts. Incorporating interval training, where you alternate between intense bursts of activity and recovery periods, can help increase your muscle endurance and burn more calories. Additionally, adding resistance or incline to your workouts can further challenge your muscles and enhance the toning effects.

In conclusion, both rowing and bicycling are excellent choices for toning and strength training. Whether you prefer the rhythmic motion of rowing or the freedom of cycling, incorporating these activities into your fitness routine will help you achieve your toning and strength goals.

rowing bicycle indoor exercise
cardio outdoor fitness training

Calorie Burn

Calorie burn is an important factor to consider when it comes to fitness training. Both rowing and bicycling are excellent cardio exercises that can help you burn calories and improve your overall health. However, the amount of calories you burn will depend on a few factors such as your weight, intensity of exercise and duration of the workout.

Rowing is a full-body exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, making it an efficient calorie burner. In fact, rowing can burn more calories compared to bicycling. According to the American Council on Exercise, a 125-pound person can burn about 210 calories in 30 minutes of moderate rowing, while bicycling at a similar intensity can burn about 180 calories.

Bicycling, on the other hand, can be a more convenient option for those who prefer outdoor exercise. Whether you’re cycling on the road or using a stationary bicycle machine, you can still achieve a good calorie burn. The key is to maintain a steady pace and increase the intensity as you become more comfortable.

Indoor Cycling

If you’re using a stationary bicycle machine, you can adjust the resistance to increase the calorie burn. Intervals of high-intensity cycling can also help increase the calorie burn during your workout. Additionally, many stationary bicycle machines come with built-in programs that simulate outdoor cycling, adding variety and increasing motivation.

Outdoor Cycling

When cycling outdoors, the terrain and wind resistance can affect the calorie burn. Uphill cycling and riding against the wind require more effort, leading to a higher calorie burn. The beauty of outdoor cycling is that you can explore different routes that offer varying levels of difficulty, making it an engaging and challenging workout.

In conclusion, both rowing and bicycling are great options for cardio exercise and calorie burn. Rowing provides a full-body workout and can burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. Bicycling, whether indoor or outdoor, offers convenience and versatility. Ultimately, the best exercise equipment for cardio depends on your personal preferences and goals. Whichever option you choose, consistency is key to seeing results and improving your overall fitness.

Low-Impact Exercise

Rowing and cycling are both excellent forms of low-impact exercise that provide numerous benefits for fitness enthusiasts. Both the rowing machine and the bicycle offer a great cardiovascular workout, making them ideal choices for those looking to improve their cardiovascular health. Additionally, these machines also provide a full-body workout, targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

One advantage of using a rowing machine is that it offers a low-impact workout, meaning it puts less stress on your joints compared to other forms of exercise. The smooth motion of rowing allows for a gentle and fluid movement, reducing the risk of injury. This makes the rowing machine a suitable choice for individuals who may have joint issues or are recovering from an injury.

Cycling, whether indoors on a stationary bike or outdoors on a traditional bicycle, also provides a low-impact workout. The circular motion of pedaling allows for a smooth movement that is easy on the joints, making it an ideal cardio exercise for those with joint sensitivities. Cycling also allows you to control the intensity of your workout by adjusting the resistance or speed, enabling you to tailor the exercise to your fitness level.

Both rowing and cycling can be incorporated into a well-rounded training program. They are excellent options for cross-training, as they engage different muscle groups and provide a break from repetitive motions. By combining rowing and cycling workouts, you can effectively target your upper and lower body, improve your cardiovascular endurance, and enhance your overall fitness.

Joint Impact

When it comes to training and exercise, the impact on your joints is an important factor to consider. Both outdoor and indoor fitness activities can put stress on your joints, especially if you have underlying joint issues or are recovering from an injury. Understanding the joint impact of different exercise machines, such as the bicycle and the rowing machine, can help you make an informed decision about which option is best for your cardio workout.

Using a Bicycle

Bicycling is a low-impact exercise that is easier on your joints compared to higher-impact activities like running. When you ride a bicycle, your body weight is supported by the bicycle and not directly hitting the ground, which reduces the impact on your hip, knee, and ankle joints. Additionally, cycling is a smooth and fluid motion that does not put excessive strain on your joints, making it a suitable option for individuals with joint pain or arthritis.

Using a Rowing Machine

A rowing machine, on the other hand, is a full-body workout that engages both your upper and lower body muscles. While rowing can be a low-impact exercise if done correctly with proper form, it can also put stress on your joints if performed incorrectly or at a high intensity. The repetitive nature of rowing can lead to strain on your shoulders, elbows, and knees if you have not built up sufficient strength or flexibility. It is important to maintain proper technique and gradually increase intensity to avoid joint injuries.

In conclusion, both the bicycle and the rowing machine offer advantages for cardio training, but their impact on your joints varies. The bicycle is generally considered a low-impact exercise that is gentler on your joints, making it suitable for individuals with joint issues or those looking for a low-risk workout option. On the other hand, the rowing machine provides a full-body workout but requires proper technique and conditioning to minimize joint impact. Consider your personal fitness goals and any joint limitations you may have when choosing between these two machines for your cardio exercise routine.

Price Range

When it comes to the cost, there is a noticeable difference between indoor fitness rowing machines and outdoor bicycles. Rowing machines are generally more expensive than bicycles, with prices ranging from $500 to $2,500 or even more for high-end models. On the other hand, bicycles can vary greatly in price depending on their type and quality, ranging from $200 for a basic model to several thousand dollars for a professional-grade bike.

While rowing machines may seem pricey, it’s important to consider the long-term investment. Indoor rowing machines provide a full-body workout that targets multiple muscle groups and offers various resistance levels for personalized training. This versatility can help users achieve their fitness goals faster and more efficiently.

On the other hand, outdoor bicycles are a popular option for cardio exercise due to their lower cost and the added benefit of being able to enjoy the outdoors while getting fit. Bicycling is a low-impact exercise that can be done at different intensities, making it suitable for people of all fitness levels. However, cycling mainly targets the leg muscles and may not provide the same overall body workout as a rowing machine.

Ultimately, the price range should be considered alongside personal preferences, fitness goals, and the specific benefits each equipment offers. Whether you choose an indoor fitness rowing machine or an outdoor bicycle, both options can be effective tools for improving cardiovascular health and overall fitness.

Accessibility and Convenience

When it comes to accessibility and convenience, both the rowing machine and the bicycle have their strengths and weaknesses.

Rowing Machine

The rowing machine is an indoor fitness equipment that provides a full-body workout. It can be easily set up in your home or at the gym, allowing you to exercise at any time. Unlike the bicycle, which requires outdoor space and favorable weather conditions, the rowing machine is not dependent on the weather. This makes it a convenient option for those who prefer to workout indoors, regardless of the time of day or the weather outside. Additionally, the rowing machine can be easily adjusted to accommodate users of different fitness levels, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals.


On the other hand, the bicycle offers the advantage of being an outdoor activity. This can be particularly appealing to those who enjoy the fresh air, scenery, and the freedom of being outside. Cycling can be a great way to explore new areas and enjoy nature while getting a cardiovascular workout. However, it is important to note that the accessibility and convenience of cycling can depend on factors such as the availability of safe and bike-friendly routes and the time of year. In some areas, the weather conditions may limit the opportunities for outdoor cycling, making it less accessible or convenient compared to using a rowing machine.

In conclusion, both the rowing machine and the bicycle have their own benefits when it comes to accessibility and convenience. The rowing machine wins in terms of indoor accessibility and versatility, while the bicycle offers the advantage of outdoor exercise and connection with nature. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your personal preferences, lifestyle, and fitness goals.

Personal Preference

When it comes to choosing between a bicycle and a rowing machine for cardio exercise, personal preference plays a significant role. Some people may prefer the outdoors, enjoying the fresh air and scenery while cycling. Others may prefer the convenience and versatility of indoor training with a rowing machine.

For those who enjoy the outdoors, cycling is a popular choice. It allows you to explore different routes and enjoy nature while getting your workout. Cycling is also a low-impact exercise, making it a great option for people with joint issues or any injuries. Additionally, it can be a social activity, especially if you join a cycling group or club.

On the other hand, rowing machines provide a full-body workout and are great for building overall fitness and strength. They simulate the motion of rowing a boat, engaging muscles in the arms, legs, and core. Rowing machines also offer adjustable resistance levels, allowing you to customize your workout intensity. This versatility makes them suitable for people of all fitness levels.

Ultimately, your personal preference will depend on your fitness goals, lifestyle, and what you enjoy. Some people may find the indoor training environment of a rowing machine more motivating and convenient. Others may prefer the freedom and outdoor experience that comes with cycling. It’s essential to choose an exercise equipment that you will enjoy using consistently, as consistency is key for any fitness routine.

Questions and answers:

What are the benefits of using a bicycle for cardio exercise?

Using a bicycle for cardio exercise has several benefits. It is a low-impact exercise that puts less strain on your joints compared to other cardio equipment, making it ideal for people with joint issues or injuries. Cycling also helps to improve cardiovascular health, strengthen leg muscles, increase stamina, and burn calories.

What are the benefits of using a rowing machine for cardio exercise?

Using a rowing machine for cardio exercise provides a full-body workout. It targets various muscle groups, including the arms, legs, back, and core. Rowing helps to improve cardiovascular endurance, increase muscular strength, burn calories, and promote weight loss. It is also a low-impact exercise that reduces the risk of injury.

Which equipment is better for weight loss: a bicycle or a rowing machine?

Both a bicycle and a rowing machine can be effective for weight loss. They are cardiovascular exercises that can help burn calories and promote fat loss. The effectiveness of weight loss, however, depends on various factors, including the intensity and duration of exercise, as well as individual body composition. It is important to choose an exercise that you enjoy and can stick to consistently for better weight loss results.

Which equipment is better for building muscle: a bicycle or a rowing machine?

When it comes to building muscle, a rowing machine is generally more effective than a bicycle. Rowing engages multiple muscle groups, including the arms, legs, back, and core, providing a full-body workout that can help increase muscular strength and endurance. While cycling can also strengthen leg muscles, it does not provide as much upper body resistance training as rowing.

Can I use both a bicycle and a rowing machine for my cardio workout?

Yes, you can use both a bicycle and a rowing machine for your cardio workout. Incorporating different types of cardio exercises into your routine can help add variety and prevent boredom. It can also provide a more well-rounded workout, targeting different muscle groups and providing different benefits. Just make sure to adjust the intensity and duration of each exercise to suit your fitness level and goals.

Which exercise equipment is better for cardio: a bicycle or a rowing machine?

Both a bicycle and a rowing machine provide excellent cardio workouts. The choice between the two depends on your personal preferences and goals. If you enjoy cycling and want to work on your leg muscles, a bicycle is a great option. On the other hand, if you want a full-body workout that engages multiple muscle groups, a rowing machine is a better choice.

Can cycling on a stationary bike help to improve cardiovascular fitness?

Yes, cycling on a stationary bike can be a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness. It increases your heart rate, improves lung function, and strengthens your heart muscles. Regular cycling workouts can also help to lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and increase endurance.